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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. 6 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    I feel like that may be so deep, that only a reincarnated Confucius would be able to decipher this one. :D


    9 hours ago, NCRaven said:


    I meant to say every team. He wouldn't start for every team, but he'd start for a majority of them

  2. 3 hours ago, Hazmat said:

    A starter for the O's or for any MLB team?  Will the rest of our team be good enough to compete with a SS or 2B that OPS's .700?  

    Some time ago, Drungo gave a sobering post about OPS and how it typically drops from the high minors to MLB.  I'm rooting for Grenier, but I'm not getting my hopes up for someone that OPS's .725 in AA.

    There are 13 shortstops that have qualified for the batting title this year with an OPS higher than .700. And Greiner is probably a better defender than a good number of them. He wouldn't be a starting shortstop on any team, but he'd be a starting shortstop on the majority of them.

    I do agree it's a pretty big "if" that he can OPS .700 in MLB

  3. 5 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    Sure you can look at his overall numbers and take that opinion, but if you did a little detailed research you might have a different conclusion.

    Over his last 15 appearances and 14.1 IP, he's pitched to a 2.57 ERA and held batters to a .692 OPS. 

    His baseball SAVANT numbers shows he has 92 percentile for EV against and 81st percentile for hard hit% which means he doesn't get hit hard. Even though his K rate is not great, he gets a lot of ground balls (58.1%) and has a 90% percentile chase rate. 

    This is from a guy who missed almost two seasons and had only 32 innings above A ball.

    So while you certainly can make any opinion you want about him, he would be one of the Orioles best relievers right now and would be a rookie. 

    Let's put this another way. What reliever on the team or in AAA would you rather have than him when looking towards the future?

    Meanwhile, Isaac Mattson, who Elias choose to protect over him because he acquired him in a trade, has a 10.32 ERA in AAA this year. 

    BTW, even if you want to use his entire season stats to judge him, batters have slashed .247/.348/.357/.705 off his this season with a 3:1 GB/FB ratio. 

    So yes, I am sad that we lost a cost controlled, 24-year old rookie ground ball getting, weak contact inducing side-armer who should have been protected over multiple players who were actually protected by Elias and his crew.

    Oh don't get me wrong, it was definitely incorrect not to protect him. I was just saying it wasn't a big mistake because the results haven't seemed amazing. Your baseball SAVANT numbers are eye-opening and there's reason to believe he might be significantly better than he's showed. I guess we'll see

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