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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Obviously, all other things equal I'd rather have a team with "veteranosity" and "chemistry." That said, I wonder how you would quantify the effects something like that has on a team? Best I can think of is have "experts" assign some kind of score or classification to the clubhouses of the various teams each year and when a player switches teams from a bad or good clubhouse to the opposite see if their performance changes by more than we would normally expect from them being one year older. That said, how would you separate the clubhouse effect from the player receiving different, and possibly better or worse, coaching?

    I'm glad Chirinos, Odor, Mancini and Lyles are well-liked and have fostered an atmosphere of fun. I'm not sure how much that actually contributes to winning games. That said, these guys aren't going to be around for long one way or the other. I hope someone else steps up to maintain clubhouse atmosphere when they do, or at the very least the players who remain act like grown-ass men and do their jobs to the best of their ability regardless. I have a hard time believing someone could get to the majors if their performance nosedives every time someone they like leaves their team.

  2. 1 hour ago, tntoriole said:

    This is how guys like Lyles make lengthy careers 

    Sure, some guys succeed like that. But the odds are heavily stacked against it. For every Jordan Lyles, there are dozens of guys with similar stuff who didn't make it

  3. 8 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Yea, I don't think that is near as common in this day and age.

    Is stuff like what Dylan Bundy did in HS a thing?  Sure, but I put some of the blame on him and his father. 

    Honestly I think the year round pitching is more of a problem.

    I've never seen any proof that not letting 22 year old hit 80 pitches or pulling 23 year old at 71 pitches accomplishes anything.


    It could be the year-round pitching, sure. Arms need time to recover. Completely agree with you about the pitch counts. My guess is the teams are trying to take it easy with arms they feel have been subject to too much stress in the past, but who knows

    It could be that teams think third time through the lineup is going to be a thing of the past soon and so they aren't building up their pitchers to do that

  4. 1 minute ago, Can_of_corn said:



    What's abused?

    I think you might just be making a blanket statement based off of a few data points. 

    I don't have the time to research this right now, but for every top HS pitcher who "refuses to be abused" I hear about ten who threw 130 pitches and came in to close the next day, or something like that

    I'll define abuse as pitching on less than three days rest or throwing more than 100 pitches in a start if that helps

  5. 2 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

    What's a realistic number of innings this year for Hall? He's already thrown 50 innings. He threw 31 innings last year. 100 seems like a big jump, but maybe that's the target. 

    I'm guessing they'd like to see 100. IIRC in years past the Orioles have looked to jump maximum innings on their starting pitchers by around 50 per year

  6. 5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    But I think it's ridiculous when a 6'5" 220 pound 22 year old and he's on a more restrictive pitch limit than when he was pitching in High School.

    I agree as long as he wasn't being abused in high school. Problem is, most of these guys were

  7. 22 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Also of note, the lessened workload doesn't seem to be helping prevent injuries.

    Pitchers are throwing harder than ever, too, which probably cancels out some of the benefit from lighter workloads.

    There has to be some reduction in injuries from lighter workloads. Average people don't suddenly need Tommy John from going about their daily lives. Whether that reduction is statistically or practically significant, I can't say

  8. Handley has a sterling defensive reputation, and can he really hit worse than Chirinos? He seems like a no-brainer add unless his hitting completely falls off the rest of the year. And if it doesn't he should really be the backup catcher from opening day. I'd rather have him than some random one-year veteran deal

  9. 33 minutes ago, glenn__davis said:

    I'm one of Hall's biggest fans but to me "I was tipping my pitches" is generally code for "I can't have been that bad so it must have been something else".  Never really have bought much into that excuse.  Even if they know it's coming they still need to hit it.  

    It often is an excuse, but it does really happen sometimes. I dunno. I just want to see better results

  10. 15 minutes ago, Surhoffan17 said:

    Then, someone will be optioned for Watkins.  Not sure who though.  Depends on options.  

    I hope not. The results aren't there at all, but at least Voth has intriguing stuff. Spenser Watkins is a dime-a-dozen AAAA player with nothing especially interesting about him

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