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Posts posted by ChosenOne21

  1. Kremer was like 91-93 with the fastball last year. This year he's been more like 94-96. The command is better, too. Not sure what happened with him, but I hope our other pitchers are taking notes

  2. 10 hours ago, jdwilde1 said:

    Question for those who have seen Gunner play a decent amount at shortstop.  What’s his defensive potential?  Is he plus, average, below average but won’t kill you, or not a legit major league shortstop?  I’ve only seen highlights, so he looks good from what I’ve seen, but who doesn’t if you just see theor highlights?

    Haven't seen him, but from what I've heard it's somewhere between average/below average but won't kill you and in a handful of years probably won't be a major league shortstop

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    Tavera may have the best changeup in the system. Paired with the his 94-95 MPH fastball, he could be a solid bullpen piece. Right now his slider is his 3rd pitch and while it can flash average at times, it's not a great major league pitch. Saying that, I've seen him throw a perfect inning with just sliders and changeups. 


    Better than Grayson's?


  4. 37 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Should Grayson be the exact example of why not to draft pitching?  You identify and pick the kid over the much more heralded Liberatore. You handle him with care and watch him flourish. Then in his last AAA start he suffers an injury. I like drafting the bats. The bats just gotta perform. 

    Right now we have a really good defense. A good bullpen. A potentially good lineup. No SP. We’ve won like that before but that’s tough. 

    Jeez, it's a lat. He's going to be fine

  5. I'm sure Hall could come to the majors right now and have some success with the fastball and the current state of his secondaries. But I'm fine letting him spend the year in the minors building innings and working on his secondaries. He doesn't have that many innings under his belt during his professional career and I think he can probably better work on his secondaries in low pressure situations. The Orioles certainly aren't going to call him up and have him throw his secondaries endlessly to ML hitters, nor should they

  6. Yeah. Akin has been aces (though not as a starter), Zimmerman, past two starts notwithstanding, has looked like a decent starting pitcher, and Kremer and Baumann have a good chance to find a useful role. I don't think that's a bad outcome at all seeing as how none of them were really top prospects

  7. 7 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    That makes more sense that he was acquired in that way.  It was certainly my assumption.  Odd to not find any info on the signing though.

    Teams tend not to report signing bonuses for players from Venezuela because they have a kidnapping and ransom problem down there

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  8. 3 hours ago, nate22 said:

    DHing a catcher is tricky if the starting catcher gets injured, you lose the DH.  I'm not saying it will happen, but there's a slim chance they carry three catchers if Rutschman is going to get time at DH or  he might actually get more time at first instead, to avoid that issue,

    Then we lose the DH for a game. Not that big of a deal

  9. 10 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Over 50 pitches, more than I was expecting.

    Agreed. I thought maybe, MAYBE, they'd let him throw ten. Got to ease him back into things. Can't have him getting injured again

  10. 50 minutes ago, waroriole said:

    Disagree. Just because that’s all they were able to quantify doesn’t mean that’s all the difference. I mean just look at what happened to the Orioles when they went from Trembley to Buck. 

    1.5 is an average. It's certainly possible for a manager to add more than 1.5 wins to a team compared to the guy he replaced. What I'd like to know is how many wins in 2011 you think are attributable to Buck Showalter and why you think that.

  11. I remember some years ago Baseball Prospectus tried to quantify the difference between the best and worst MLB managers in a given season and came up with something like 1.5 additional wins on average.

    Buck Britton would likely be a great major league manager and might improve the team by his presence alone, but 8-10 wins is hyperbole

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  12. 4 hours ago, DrinkinWithFermi said:

    I would not have given up a draft pick for 1 year (most likely) of Correa when we're going to lose at least 90 games this year with or without him.

    Yeah, I wouldn't offer that deal either, since he's almost certainly going to opt out after a year and we're still at least that far away from being interesting. With no opt outs, I would have done it in a heartbeat though

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