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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. You're either missing my point or something else. I'm saying that to trade Mancini, Elias will need to find under the radar talent. If you don't like Rom, how about Hanifee? The name doesn't matter, it's the type of target that Elias would have to have in mind because teams aren't going to trade their versions of Hall, Mountcastle, etc., for Mancini.
  2. Yeah, maybe so. I'm not sure how high everyone was on Hall and Rom at this point last year though. That's what I was trying to identify, underappreciated talent.
  3. If his trade value is negligible, he won't be traded. If it's great, he will be traded. I assume it's in between. The question is whether Elias can identify young guys who aren't yet on BA/BP types of prospect lists but have the potential to grow into valuable pieces. In that case, maybe we can get 1 guy like a Diaz (maybe single A version) and then a couple of below the radar guys like Adam Hall and Rom were last year.
  4. The international system favors the rich first and foremost. The reform with caps make it such that the small market teams can compete. All of these market-based scenarios in this thread make a lot of sense on paper until you realize that this is about sustainability of a league that is set up as anti-competitive. The more power you give to the player to make the most money he can, the more power you give to the Yankees. I cannot create a Waldorf Orioles that can be promoted to the major leagues. It's impossible. None of this is market based or fair in the grand scheme of things. An international draft would level the playing field within the league. They could structure it in a way to incent the same amount of spending and try to promote as many kids into a system as they do now. It isn't rocket science and it is a way to allow poorer teams to compete on another level, which ultimately helps the sustainability of the league as it's currently constructed. But, no, it's not best for the international players.
  5. Oh snap. Frobby and Drungo head-to-head in message board theater. Frobby got the tko on this one. I look forward to the rematch. lol.
  6. With Gunnar and AR signed, I'm content. Anything else is icing on the cake, IMO. I do like both cake and icing.
  7. Looks like he's promoted. I'd note that while he hasn't taken a walk, he also hasn't struck out that often. Only 30 times in 227 PA in A+ ball. This article was about Sedlock, but also had a section on Yahn. https://www.masnsports.com/orioles-buzz/2019/06/sedlock-will-start-thursday-for-keys-after-being-backed-off-to-limit-innings.html
  8. I think the biggest mover (up) is Baumann unless they decide Rom moves above Lowther, which I doubt. I'm guessing Rom will be rated higher than Baumann, but am not sure and, if so, don't think it'll be more than a few spots unless they really love Rom. Just reading the posts here, I think Luke really loves Baumann and Rom. Encouraging for both, for sure.
  9. Your description of his defense doesn't lend confidence that he'd handle any position that requires anything resembling "slick" fielding. Seems like a Corner Outfield, if that, profile. This is mentioned in other draft threads many times, but it really is refreshing that we're apparently drafting guys who can hold their own on defense. As much as I like Mancini, Mountcastle, Sisco and Stewart, there are only so many places to stash guys who can hit but not really provide positive value in the field. I'd be willing to trade any/all of them if another team overvalued their bats.
  10. I'd wager that, or something very similar like never even reporting, is relatively common.
  11. This weekend was a perfect example of why the O's are strong favorites to be the #1 overall pick again next year. Even if we play well and promote some better players, we still have a crazy hard AL East schedule. Our best can be beaten down by 3 of the 4 other teams. They've got Minnesota, who looks legit, and Cleveland who's been hovering just above .500 most of the year.
  12. Screams like an opportunity to negotiate a little with the #1 pick next year if it pans out with multiple guys very worthy of that pick.
  13. Don't think you'll get a blow by blow account of the negotiations. Elias usually seems to want to wait until things are official to comment. I had heard that Gunnar was coming to town, so there's that.
  14. I don't know how to post nice little tables, but the run differential isn't close. We're at -133. KC is only -68. So they're theoretically much more competitive on a game by game basis. The next worse run differentials to us are Detroit (-113) and then Pittsburgh (-88). Nobody's really close. https://www.espn.com/mlb/standings/_/sort/gamesbehind/dir/asc/group/overall
  15. LookinUp

    DL Hall 2019

    I was pretty adamant about not moving Grayson R. above Hall in the prospect rankings. The level does make a difference, and Hall's raw stuff is really powerful and left handed. However, the continued command issues Hall is having, combined with Grayson's overall excellent profile, is beginning to change my mind. Where they're ranked in 2019 won't matter in the long run, but right now I think Hall probably slips to #3 in our system.
  16. I think the tweet about Sedlock's elbow issue changes this conversation a bit. Lowther is a bit of a special case. His results and spin rates tend to belie what you would expect just from his velocity numbers. I tend to doubt that Zimmerman's profile has improved enough to top Lowther's, but there are much better people to answer that question than me.
  17. I think most on this site have written this guy off. The arm talent alone makes him a potential bullpen arm, IMO. I'm not optimistic, but he has a better chance to be a BP guy than most guys throwing in the upper 80's. I looked, but couldn't find, Luke's post about who needs to be placed on the 40-man roster this year. I fear he may be one of them. If so, I'd say he's a low priority to protect at this point. [Going back and reading this thread, it wasn't clear this post was about Tate. It is. Not about Kremer, who is still a guy to be very high on.]
  18. Hmmm. Seems like the type of players we should be targeting in a trade. Would our entire bullpen net one of them?
  19. Oh boy. If Austin Martin could stick at SS, or we see Gunnar over the next 12 months and see he could stick at SS, that could be a very nice left side of the infield of our future.
  20. Might have a chance if that change-up could turn into a 60 pitch. At a 45, with a 50 fastball, and meh slider, location seems like it won't be enough.
  21. Just curious, but what material are you reading? I'd be interested, but have no idea where to go other than this thread. Lol. If Elias does what we all hope, we'll want to become more familiar with the DSL talent over time for sure.
  22. LookinUp

    Alex Wells 2019

    I think this is right. Assuming he keeps it up, his overall ranking will go up by a fair amount. I'm guessing he'd be low-mid teens in an improved system. That's a good thing. I want to believe there's still plenty of room for a guy like this in the majors. I feel like sometimes we compare a guy like Wells to a guy like Hall. They're two totally different types of pitchers though. How does Wells compare to the few successful soft tossers that are out there? In the absence of physical projection, that would be what I'd like to see to help me understand better whether his odds are good or whether his ceiling is something less than a ML-caliber starting pitcher.
  23. LookinUp

    Alex Wells 2019

    It doesn’t matter where he’s ranked or what us message board dudes think about him. He will get more love when he moves up and performs. Then he’ll get love when he does that again. Just like Means. If he’s that good, he’ll drag fans into his bandwagon.
  24. I know it's been like a decade since he left, but does SportsGuy still have more posts on OH than any other poster? I'd almost not be surprised if he does.
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