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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I wasn’t making a comparison between the too. I was responding to a post that stated Ortiz stats this year are better. They are not.
  2. Bradfield hasn’t played since Wednesday when he was HBP.
  3. Pretty sure it goes by league. IE. we have 14 teams in front of us (for Angels players).
  4. Do you consider Hays to be developed by the current admin?
  5. Santander has the most nicknames of any Orioles I can remember. Tony Tony Taters Santa Santandinger Ant Am I missing any? Cracks me up.
  6. To me (and I'll be the first person to say I'm not good at the trade proposal thing) Kremer seems like a guy you could package with a couple other pieces to get a better starter. He eats innings and can fill the void left by the impact starter. He has a tiny bit of upside, under team control for a while, and is affordable. Santander (or Hays) + Kremer + Norby could be enticing for a team with surplus pitching looking for offense.
  7. Seems like our development team specializes in helping pitchers with their command control. Bautista is the poster child for that.
  8. I'm not there yet, either. But I'm no longer reaching for the bourbon when he comes in to pitch. We need guys to cover the 6th and 7th inning sometimes and before this recent stretch of pitching, I had absolutely zero confidence.
  9. Agree. He looks like he is in full stride right now.
  10. Skipping a start all together could actually be more dangerous. There is a sweet spot between chronic load and acute load. He has been on a consistent workload for quite a while now. To deviate from that significantly and then come back and go hard would put him at risk. He needs to stay the course, or slightly change his chronic load slightly ie. missing one game by going every 7 days vs. 6. If he misses one start and has ~12 days in between that could put him in the danger zone. Acute:Chronic Workload Ratio | Science for Sport
  11. Only 1 BB in last 8.2IP 11Ks in that span. Now we are talking. Cautiously optimistic.
  12. Ump said "screw you guys, i'm going home"
  13. Agree. That's pretty much my point. Because of the injury he was forced to play a lot in CF and that experiment didn't go so well.
  14. It sure didn't work out to well for last year's FA SP class. Lot of wasted money given out. By the time these guys hit FA they have some serious miles on their arms. Trading for 2 o 3 years of a cost-controlled guy seems like the much safer bet to me.
  15. I still have faith he will be fine. Just a bit disappointed from the performance he had in his first crack in the show and because of that it's something I'll be paying a little more attention to. I can't imagine the nerves of making your MLB debut and these guys are human after all. I give him a pass, but I wasn't expecting him to have so much difficulty out there. I think some of it came from indecision playing CF while being the new guy. It's got to be tough to take control of the vets on either side of you when you are the rookie. I remember Jones talking about his first time playing with Ichiro and he had some of the same issues.
  16. Considering we are playing .623 on the season, some might even call it an improvement
  17. You raise a good point. The defense is the only thing that gives me some pause. I'm fairly confident that they will hit enough to be successful regulars, but the defense is the question. I must say I was pretty disappointed with Cowser in the field while he was up here. Kjerstad, I think, will be passable in RF. Westburg was getting OF reps last year in AAA. I have to imagine that continues and he develops into a super-sub type player that can cover OF corners, 2B, SS, & 3B. That has a ton of value.
  18. I think this is the likely path to getting an impact performer. I can't see them outbidding someone for a significant FA. It also helps them control cost and length of contract.
  19. They could potentially have Hall, Ortiz, Cowser, & Kjerstad all as ROY candidates next year and Holliday & Mayo the year after. I'd like to see them push the chips to the middle and get all the guys up next year. The way Holliday has performed this year after an incredible showing in ST, it's hard not to think they may just roll the dice and throw him to the wolves for opening day. Mayo has come on strong here at the end of the season and is going to make his case made in ST next year for a roster spot. I don't see any of the guys from the OP as trade chips.
  20. I don't think you'll find a guy that despises JA more than me A discussion on what the team should do and the FAs they should target is all fine and good. But that discussion isn't based in reality. They are not going to all the sudden deviate from what they've been doing. If they do, I'll eat crow. The OP was more in line with what they are likely to do based on their history, owner, and the teams they are loosely trying to emulate.
  21. I was mostly focusing on the IF & OF but, he fits the bill for the topic of the thread. I'll fix it in the OP. There will be significant savings with him as well.
  22. I don't like to make excuses for guys, but that was my first thought as well. All it takes is a little discomfort for a guy to slightly change his swing mechanics to compensate for the discomfort. That can completely throw a guy off. I'd like to think the coaching staff & trainers would be all over that, but you never know. Regardless, he hasn't looked good for a while now.
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