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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. NM, finally found some good stuff on FG.
  2. Where can I find that info? Genuinely curious. Been reading a few articles on that subject this morning. Seems a lot has to do with whether we are talking a college P, college batter, HS P, or HS batter. Gunnar Henderson is looking pretty solid as a #42 pick. (I know I know, one dude
  3. ~4.5WAR is what I've come across for avg. career war of 1st round pick. With our drafting and development staff, I like the safety in numbers approach. I think if they get Jackson up to MLB ASAP it also bodes well for a potential extension. Maybe he'd be ok on a 7- or 8-year deal going into next season, or season after, so that he can hit the FA market before he turns 30. I like the approach of don't put all your eggs in one basket and spread out the risk. With all that said, I think there is nothing wrong with your preference/approach. Just another possible way to do things.
  4. By what metric? I don't think you can 'expect' anyone to become a superstar 5+ WAR player. I think short of that, a 1st round pick would be more valuable.
  5. He has fulfilled the role of backup catcher almost perfectly. He seems like a good dude. The D plus occasional pop has been a blessing.
  6. I think it's a little bit of cutting off your nose despite your face. The small benefit you'd derive from saving a year would have many more negative consequences. Messing with a man's money & career is no way to motivate him. The message that sends to the other players in the system would not go over well. Agents will get wind of this and advise they draft eligible clients to steer clear of the organization. I also don't think you can say with a straight face that the bottom 2 to 3 guys in the bullpen are better than Wells, that's a far stretch and no objective arbitrator would agree with that assessment.
  7. He's a young 23. I imagine he gets another full year of AAA and plays as back-up to injury next year. It's tough to have the talent around you, but in all honesty, there is nothing better for his development. If you want to be good and make the show you have to be better than everyone, that's all there is to it. He's got to find ways to improve. Going somewhere where he is the #1 guy and isn't pushing himself as hard isn't doing him any favors. If his skillset warrants it, he will play in the MLB. He's in a tough spot, I hope he has the mental make-up to not let it get to him and to keep pushing. The end result could be something special. Iron sharpens Iron.
  8. Do they? Ortiz: .341 (better by .016) / .392 / .540 (better by .008) / .933 58 runs 50 RBI 103 Hits 40 XBH (Tweet above is wrong - Holiday has 40 XBH 22 2b 8 3b 10 hr) 10 SB 8 HR 26 BB The statement that Ortiz has better stats is categorically wrong. With all that said, if they are planning to start him in the OD lineup next year they should bring him up and get him some MLB ABS.
  9. Lot of Red Squares on the gameday batters box visual. It jumped out at me big time.
  10. Pardon the stupid question.....If a pitcher comes in in a tie game and then his team goes ahead (putting him in line for a W) and then proceeds to finish the game(ahead by 3 or less), does he get a save also? Just a save? Or just a win?
  11. It's gonna take a while to get the image of Tatis running around the bases out of my head.
  12. The league has started to adjust. Let's see if he can make the needed changes. He had a lot of swing and miss in the minors throughout his career (27%).
  13. Don't think the Angels are going to pull out the victory tonight....
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