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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Westburg is a toolsy dude. that’s why he’s so fun to watch. He can do a little bit of everything. He did a little bit of everything last night.
  2. Wow. Month off w/o throwing. Imagine mid-August is absolute earliest he’d go for first rehab start. Will be interesting to see if he can make an impact at end of season. Any other delay and his 2023 is gone.
  3. No Gunnar? WTF we bring up a guy to replace someone that is Terrible…….and we replace one of our better players. Can’t make this stuff up.
  4. I’ll be watching on my phone in between Elly & JW ABs @ OPACY. Fun day of baseball.
  5. That would make me very happy. I’d love if JW could be a power hitting Zobrist. Heck of a tool to have in the shed.
  6. I think they have a “type” they are looking for that they are confident they can tweak and get tangible results. The guys they have targeted all seem to have some level of success. One of the first Ps they targeted was Bradish.
  7. Only thing that makes me a little nervous is lack of whiff on the off-speed. It looks effective-ish but not spectacular. He’s getting the whiff on the 4 seam. I wonder if that will play a level up or if more advanced batters will have more success. Will be interesting to see. He has a live arm for sure and looks like he is locating the 4 seam where he wants.
  8. I think we will see him all over the place 2b,Ss,3b, OF depending on match-ups & home v away (prob not any LF in OPACY). I think they will find a way to get him regular at bats moving forward. He might take some lumps but he will make an impact by seasons end.
  9. JRod stole one from him today. That must have been painful for him.
  10. Ah. I guess I could see that and in that scenario (assuming a small return) “it’s about time!”
  11. Yea. That was my first thought. So “I don’t get it” as in, I have to imagine he could be traded for at least a very small return.
  12. He looked pretty confident and efficient today. First batter he faced was a 10 pitch AB with the lefty fouling off a ton of CU & sliders before swinging strike out on 99. Got the other 3 batters on 8 pitches including another strikeout. 13 of 18 strikes. Didn’t get much swing and miss on CU and slider. Was sitting 97 and hit 99 on the strikeout. Edit: seeing savant info he’s throwing a cutter (not a slider).
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