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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. HR & 2B today. I’d like to see him in AA by the end of the year.
  2. I think that’s just it. They came out of nowhere to become the lovable underdog in 2004 and rode that wave for 20 years slowly becoming the obnoxious wannabe Yankees.
  3. I was intrigued by the matchup possibilities a few days ago and came up with 8 LH v RHP & 6 RH v LHP. I spent 3 minutes thinking about it, but pretty solid nonetheless.
  4. The Red Sox are way more obscure than their fan base would allow you to believe.
  5. Every game I’ve seen him play, he has made a very significant impact in all facets of the game: hitting, defense, base running. More walks than strikeouts. The LH profile in Camden plays to his advantage.
  6. He has pop. He hit 6 this year after 0 last year. Not just pull power. I’ll be curious to see what they can do with him. He’s a freak show athlete. There is some power in there.
  7. You will love this guy. Didn’t even think he was on their radar.
  8. He hit for power this year and cut down Ks. Special talent and great make up guy.
  9. There is also the human issues of having 9 guys in a lineup and 1 of them can’t hit. Even more frustrating when your teammate who isn’t hitting is also not providing any defensive value.
  10. I want them to take the local kid. Big boy power and a pitcher. The American Ohtani. Kid is fun to watch.
  11. I think Alderman’s lack of a defensive positions keeps him off our board. He’s passable in the OF but barley avg. He stayed at my friends house the summer he played for Bethesda Big train. Heck of a nice kid - I’d be stoked if they picked him, but I think his defensive shortcomings might make him unattractive to our FO.
  12. Could be a function of him not slugging as much and pitchers coming right at him/not pitching around him. I think when the HRs come the OBP will get a bump.
  13. Hard No. Holiday and Mayo are my 2 untouchables.
  14. Did anyone really think he wasn’t going to torch the second half? Lol I think when it’s all said and done his #s will look fantastic for the year.
  15. If Hernaiz got us a #5 SP I’d sure hope we could do better than a reliever for Prieto. He’s a major league ready IF.
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