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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. So Westburg will not be Norfolk HR King after all.
  2. I’m going! Wanted to see Elly - it’s a double feature. Let’s go!
  3. Westburg coming up tomorrow!!!
  4. He will likely get the minimum 129 MLB ABs ( or whatever it is) next year so he can start 2025 with ROY eligibility.
  5. It’s looking like Skenes will be pitching the very last game of the baseball season.
  6. He’s 0-2 tonight with a K. Rocking a .071 OPS. I’d like to see him mash AAA pitching a bit before continuing to watch his terrible ABs.
  7. emmett16

    Coby Mayo 2023

    I think he wants to stack the system so tight and so strong so that he has multiple shots at the ROY extra picks every year. Starting to think we won’t see anyone until it doesn’t mess with their rookie eligibility next year.
  8. emmett16

    Coby Mayo 2023

    They all just keep hitting. Unbelievable.
  9. Jordan hit 18 HR in 362 AAA ABs in 2022 He’s hit 18 HR in 263 ABs so far this year.
  10. Westburg is sitting at 36.
  11. I gave it about 10-15 minutes and got discouraged as well. Found a lot of other interesting random info about the team, though. Never knew Davey Johnson managed there.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CmHy-H9gkge/?igshid=Y2I2MzMwZWM3ZA== For some reasons this back and forth reminded me of this funny IG guy.
  13. Bingo! This deserves its own thread. They are building thoroughbred players to try and take advantage of the new MLB rules.
  14. 25 years old. Can finally rent a car and will have leverage when they reach FA at 31/32.
  15. They both have cannons and throw our a lot of runners. Willems receives the ball a little better. Basallo is likely gonna be a big boy and grow out of C if you ask me. Likely 1b. If he can stay at C that’s a massive win for the org.
  16. Just read that article. That’s a fairly typical routine. Mini plyos (200g & ~ 2/3s size of a baseball) are the gold standard now and using a “thunder stick” (skinny bat) adds to the difficulty. All those drills are designed to keep the barrel as close as possible to the body & make the swing as short and direct to the ball as possible. Pretty cool to get insight into his specific routine. Interesting he’s a self described “organized & clean” guy. That’s exact vibe he gives off. He’s going to have success.
  17. So…..what’s the all time Tides HR record?
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