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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I’ll be surprised if Moutcastle plays MLB in 2025
  2. Gibson had been a pleasure to watch pitch. I love his professionalism.
  3. Pretty admirable considering how he started the season. A lot of people might not have been able to come out of a monster slump like that. Kind of impressive.
  4. I feel for the guy. But it’s frustrating to watch someone continue to make the same mistakes over and over with no adjustments. Sure, he’s likely trying but it ain’t working.
  5. Yes. My bad. Section 84. Devo always said hi to fans when he came out. Lot of little mini hat tips/curtain calls to the LF section fans during his time in CF & LF.
  6. One of my all time favorites. My first seats ever at OPACY were in 84. Saw him make so many unbelievable plays.
  7. I was in SF to watch Os play once and my son (3 at the time) said “Go Os” to almost everyone he saw on the streets wearing black and Orange. It’s a common misconception but Balls actually fly farther in “heavy” or humid air. While humid air does feel heavier, it is actually less dense than dry air, as the molecular weight of the water in humid air is less than that of the nitrogen and oxygen dominating air that is dry. As a result, the ball will actually fly farther when air is humid, but only a small amount.
  8. I've been to 3 games this year. I live inside the DC Beltway and quite a few of my son's friends and their families have gone as well. That's definitely a first - can't ever remember family friends down here making treks up to Camden since the Nats started to play well ~2012.
  9. OMG if looks could kill. Talk about adding insult to injury....."Grayson, you're demoted"......"Grayson, hold this please" In all seriousness it will be interested to see how he handles next few starts. I hope he pitches like a man on a mission and realizes what gave him success at AAA isn't going to cut it in MLB and he starts to refine his game even more. Biggest tests come after the player has been knocked on his back side and to see how he gets back up.
  10. That’s a good point. Forgot he was a little banged up. That might explain it.
  11. It's odd they don't have him getting reps at positions that could help the current team.
  12. He's playing a lot of SS. Wonder if he's simply being showcased.
  13. emmett16

    Drew Rom 2023

    He's be awful in 3 of his last 5 starts.
  14. If DL could come up and give us 3ip of lights out pitching every 5 days that would be absolutely massive. Finish year around 75ip. I’m holding out hope he can be a bullpen savior.
  15. If this was a cobbled together team of veterans all on their last hurrah I’d be worried. This is the 3rd youngest team in the league and I expect improvement across the board as the season moves along.
  16. Jose Ramirez was batting .159 v LHP. Kwan LH Naylor LH Not a terrible strategy.
  17. Yes. Not a completely awful throw but it took a funny hop, Adley could’t block, Akin didn’t keep it from going in the dugout.
  18. 2 base error for ball leaving field on throw from OF. Saying he already had 2b and should get 3B + home
  19. Bad ball by Akin. Can’t give up a 2 base error like that. Gotta expect ball and do your job and back up.
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