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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. 4 hours ago, Aristotelian said:

    Stupid would be signing Correa for 10 years when we already have a 3 WAR SS and a superstar ready to come in within 3 years. Basically paying $300M for a couple WAR in the next two years. I know Gunnar is playing 3B but he is capable of SS and would keep Correa from sliding over when Holliday is ready. There are much better ways to spend $300M, especially if the goal in doing so is to acquire pitching.

    Correa is just another asset.  If they think they have a better chance signing him than some of the available pitchers on, then they'd be silly to not take the asset available.   That in turn allows them to flip a package for a more impactful pitcher.  I do not think it will happen, but I'd be thrilled.   I think the chances this org signs a high-end position player is a lot better than a high-end pitcher.  

    For the record I’m not advocating going hard for him, just that we’d be remiss to not explore all avenues and there is a world where it could be a good move.  

  2. 5 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Contract estimates range from 8 to 10 year;  240-300M.    Rumors are flying.   Is Elias really in on him?   How much would he improve the team?   Is he worth that kind of contract to the O's?  What about Ortiz and Holliday?

    Time to weigh in.

    He allows us to trade a seriously high-end prospect to get a seriously high-end SP.  So with that line of thinking I believe he improves the team dramatically.  

  3. 5 hours ago, Frobby said:

    He seems like a guy intent on walking as often as possible, perhaps at the expense of doing any damage with the bat.  I like patient hitters, but I’m doubtful his approach is going to work as he moves up the ladder.   

    Out of curiosity what have your seen, heard, read that made you arrive at that conclusion? Not disagreeing, just curious on what  drove your thinking.  It’s A very specific observation.  

  4. 5 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    The current approach.  Correct.   He hit with little authority last year.   Reminded me of Joey Ortiz at Aberdeen in 2019.   The Orioles seem to be good at getting guys to tap into their power.   Let's wait and see.    On performance he should probably start at Delmarva but with Willems and Basallo probably there it might be a bit crowded.

    Can’t remember where I heard it from, but he is supposed to have some legit power that hasn’t quite shown itself in gameplay.  

  5. Barn burner going on.  Argentina has rattled off 15 shots (8 on goal).  Don’t think I’ve ever seen a had with 8 saves.  For people that think soccer is boring tune into the second half if Argentina v. Poland.  Incredibly entertaining game.  

  6. 47 minutes ago, Explosivo said:


    looks like I’m not the only guy who still wants to give Belli a chance. I’m telling you, a one year deal, all the incentives in the world for the guy to do well to get that big deal and a ballpark meant to maximize his skill set. Let’s make it happen. 1 year 7 million with massive incentives that could go to 11 million at the most.

    I think all 30 teams would be in on Belly @ 7mm.   I imagine his floor is closer to 11mm.  Santana just got 6.75 and had pretty similar year, is way younger, and can play CF.  


  7. 7 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    Let’s not forget how much bad luck Mountcastle hit into in 2022.  In expecting a bounce back and I’m not even a huge Mountcastle believer.

    All of his projections are super tight and not abysmal.  .309 to .316OBP & .752-792OPS  I feel like with two years under his belt and his underlying hit data those numbers could realistically be a floor for him.  If he has another gear I have to imagine that kicks in this year.  I sure don't want to take ABs away from him.  I think they can add a 1b/dh and not take many ABs away from Mountcastle and significantly improve production out of those two spots.   

  8. 1 hour ago, Jagwar said:

    The last 10 minutes seemed to take 3 days.

    • Really impressed with the MMA midfield. I wish McKennie was fit enough to go 90. 
    • Sargent has been fantastic
    • Tim Ream, who was nowhere on the depth chart a few months ago, has been the backbone of the defense. 
    • It's crazy that we advanced to the knockout stage and Gio Reyna played a total of 10 minutes

    Man, they need to finish, that game could have been 4-0 easily.  I feel like once they net 1 or 2 on the build ups the fireworks might start to go off.   You can see them gaining confidence and believing in themselves.  I've been following Mussah since Valencia signed him when he was 16 back in 2019.   He has always been a bit of a wonder kid, but he really came into his own this year and was in really good form coming into the tournament.   It looks like he is taking that next step into to potential superstardom.  Agree, Sargent has been fantastic.  I'd like to see them sub a little earlier, especially for Weah.  I think he burns out quick, same with McKennie.  I have been very impressed with the defense.  Apart from a few mistakes, they have been super organized and well positioned.  It will be interesting to see how the Dutch come at them.  Eredivise is an awesome league.  Super technical, adaptable, and possession oriented, kinda of like Spain, but with a good bit of physicality.  It's a fantastic brand of soccer IMO.  I can't wait to see how it all plays out.  I like our chances!

  9. At the end of the day, Abreu hit the jackpot.  He got paid fair market value(slightly above it would seem)to play for a winner in a climatized ball park that also happens to be an easy place to hit.  Astros got their guy, in hindsight even if we were interested we had no chance.  My take away is that bats are likely to be a little more expensive than people thought.  

    • Upvote 1
  10. Gotta say, it’s pretty cool to see us churn through some of these guys.  Just shows the crème is rising to the top.  Quite a few guys on that list that came aboard with some acclaim and high hopes.  Good news is even though they are out of top 30, most of them are still pretty darn interesting.  

  11. 35 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    He never failed a test before BALCO but it was shown that he was getting supplied all of that time.   His career trajectory where he got better into this late 30's than he ever was before?   At the age of 33 Cruz had his best season by OPS (.856) in four years.  5 of his next 6 years going into his late 30's he was over .900.

    If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's probably a duck.

    People will happily turn a blind eye to something that helps them.   It's not up to the GM's to prove Cruz used.   They simply signed him, with absolute plausible deniability.   They weren't stupid.   They got a great hitter.   As long as he passed his tests everyone was happy.    The question was if he's ever get unlucky and pop a positive for a test.   Yes, the tests are a joke.   Apparently, you have to be using and really, really unlucky or really stupid to get caught.

    Dang.  That’s pretty harsh and I’m a pessimist.  I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.  With that said, fair enough.  

  12. 36 minutes ago, sevastras said:

    Someone from another team somewhere is probably saying, “We should look at that kid because he could play top level defense as backup and we could work on his bat with our MLB coaches. “

    He isn’t going to hurt anyone playing a couple of times a week or a defensive replacement late in the game. 

    And if they are really thinking Ardoin is their long term back up might as well give Mav his shot and see what he has.  

  13. 4 hours ago, Just Regular said:

    Pulisic and the goalie just pulled a George Springer and Bo Bichette on the big play.

    Pure patriotism.  Knee to the crotch at full speed for a goal.  What a game.  If the US can figure out how to finish they could go on a little run.  This World Cup looks wide open.  Pretty excited to see my man Mussah be such a feature.  Sadly enough he will get scooped up a big team soon.  I sure know how to pick my sports teams teams.  

  14. 2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Even as much as Biggio got hit, he walked four times as often.  Haskins walked less than double the amount of his HBP.

    That’s a significant difference.  I was mostly kidding.  Biggio & Rizzo both came to mind as players that seemed to be attempting to get HBP as a means to getting on base.  

  15. 43 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Haskin is one of these weird guys whose good OBP is largely driven by getting hit by pitches.   Last year he had 43 walks, 24 HBP.  He also was HBP 20 times in 2021.   Seems like we always have a couple of these guys. 

    Craig Biggio made a career out of getting hit by pitches (that and hitting :).  It can be a repeatable skill, although a painful and risky one.   Might not be able to get away with it as much now as you used to be able to.  

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