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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. Great interview, pretty candid and articulate guy.  You get the impression that he understands exactly what he has to do to be successful.  It kind of stinks he has all the middle infielders around him, but honestly in the long run all that competition is only going to elevate his game.  Seems like such a good dude.  Easy guy to pull for.   I knew I liked him for a good reason :)

  2. 6 minutes ago, sevastras said:

     No way he takes 45 years for $3mm. I wouldn’t commit 45 years of my life for $3mm and I can barely throw in the 70s anymore but my curve ball is pretty solid even if it is 60mph or so. 


    8 minutes ago, DrinkinWithFermi said:

    I'm not sure about that. MLBTR has Eovaldi projected at 2 years, $17 million per and Syndergaard at 3 years, $12 million per.

    I'd take that Syndergaard deal in a heartbeat and maybe ever try to tack on a club option for a 4th year. If he regains some of his earlier form or discovers another gear with his reduced stuff through more experience using it, that contract could be quite a bargain.

    It will be interesting to see how it all pans out.  I imagine they will end up with pretty similar deals.  I only think Syndergaard will be more attractive because of the lack of pick associated with him.  

  3. 4 hours ago, Frobby said:

    My sense is he’s probably a bit rangier than Hays in CF, though not quite as strong an arm as Hays.  I think he’d be adequate defensively, but a noticeable step down from Mullins.   

    I think people take Mullin's D for granted.  He makes some unbelievable plays look really easy.   When he is no longer around in CF I think people will start to realize how good he has been for us the last few years. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, DrinkinWithFermi said:

    Hard pass on Eovaldi from me due to his injury history and the draft pick compensation for a divisional rival atrached to him, and I would bet Elias feels the same way (at least for the latter reason).

    I would much rather pay less and keep the draft pick by signing Syndergaard and seeing if he regains more of his old form the further he gets away from his surgery and resulting 2 year layoff or gets better at getting the most from his reduced stuff with more experience pitching with it and maybe some help from Team Elias. I really think the market is  sleeping on him and that whoever signs him might end up with a nice little steal for themselves.

    I would be fine with Syndergaard as well.  I think I would prefer him slightly.  Syndergaard is going to cost more and might have more suitors as well.  He's almost exactly 2 years younger and put up a 1.8 WAR last year compared to Eovaldi's 1.5 and carries a 16.7 carrer WAR vs. Eovaldi's 15.8.  You get a little more K per 9 and BB per 9 with Eovaldi but similar production overall.  

  5. 5 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    He was really good in 2021.

    He's about what I expect.

    Heck maybe we get lucky and he goes off and has another great year.

    Not a bold move by a team that is going for it.



    20 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Eovaldi is one of these pitchers who can drive you crazy.   Super talented, but inconsistent game to game and even within starts, and often hurt.  Unfortunately, that seems to be a pretty common thread among the second tier pitchers.

    Pretty much sums up my expectations for a potential Orioles SP signing.  Heck, sadly enough, I'd be pretty excited with the signing. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, RZNJ said:

    Interesting that with Maverick Handley in the system, they listed Silas Ardoin as the top defensive catcher in the system.   Seems like a dis on Handley or maybe he was overlooked or maybe Ardoin is really that good.

    From what I’ve heard Ardoin is that good.  I think he is a big sleeper in system.  Some scouts think he has potential to improve his bat significantly.  His D skills are supposed to be close to MLB ready.  

    • Upvote 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    So I guess another question is, once you’ve evaluated raw power, what decides what future value for game power is?   And how do future grades for raw power suddenly increase?

    Let’s take Westburg.  Last year he was evaluated as a guy with 45 raw power, 50 future raw power, 40/50 current/future game power.  Now a year later he’s seen as 55/60 raw power, 50/55 game power.   So what happened here?

    Same with Norby. 40/45 raw, 35/45 game power a year ago.  Now he’s 50/60 raw, 50/60 game power.  If a guy had 45 future raw power a year ago, how can he be a 60 a year later?  Just a scouting miss, or did something specific happen here?

    I think you can absolutely add raw power, though it takes a lot of effort and focus.  A guy like Westburg, who by all accounts has off the chart's mental make-up, is the perfect candidate to outperform their initial raw power rankings.  I think a lot has to do with how you project growth of a kid that's 17-22.  Some kids have late growth spurts, other kids spend entire off-season putting on 10lb of muscle and adding 4mph to the EV #s so the scouting reports can vary season to season in the very beginning of their careers.  

  8. 2 hours ago, ChosenOne21 said:

    Tony, I love everything you do. This is in no way a criticism, but why list out raw power as a second grade? Isn't raw power basically how good of a show you can put on in BP, or what we think your power would be in a perfect world where you put it all to use? Doesn't it only matter what you can get to in a game? Why not raw speed and raw arm as well?

    Three outcome game doesn't involve speed and arm strength for a batter.  A scout once told me that your Raw Power is your ceiling & your floor, your hit tool is a map on your ability to reach your ceiling/floor, & all the other tools are extras.   Currently there is a 'designated hitter' position in baseball but no 'designated fielder'.  

    • Upvote 1
  9. I think Hermaiz gets overlooked on this board big time.  He played a portion of AA last year at 20yo (just turned 21 in August), increased his OBP, increased his slugging, and was 32 of 36 in stolen bases.  If IF doesn't work out, he seems like a solid option for the OF.  I like his swing and think he is going to add power as he puts on strength and continues to grow into his frame.  He's one of the orgs biggest sleepers in my opinion.  

    • Like 1
  10. I’m a big fan.  I love his frame and pitch profile as a lefty.  I think he has a few more ticks on the FB.  It might be lack of pitching in the system but Povich is one of the players I’m most excited to follow next year.  I hope he can make the next step in his development and start to show command of his pitches. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

    Never said Ortiz pulls more than Westburg, I told you his power is mostly pull power which is what I was told and based on my own observations. Ortiz does a good job of going to all fields and can drive the ball to right center, but he's not a big home run guy that way.

    Does the labrum surgery ping him at all in your eyes?  Does that play into his long term forecasting.  It’s a pitchers worst nightmare.  I was looking for info on position players recovering from labrum’s and it doesn’t seem to be as well documented.  But then you think about Cody Bellinger and wonder.  

  12. 8 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    That works for me.  The concept as well.   I'd prefer to see Hall in the majors instead of trying to consistently dominate AAA hitters as a starter.   His innings are going to be limited anyway.   Use him for multiple innings either randomly when needed or as a combination with someone like GrayRod.   I've already mentioned Voth being used like that as well.

    I love him as a reliever.  Hall & Wells for ~100ip each of nasty relief is a fantastic way to start the pen.  Big nasty righty and Big nasty lefty.  

  13. 5 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

    The know where the data comes from. I'm wondering how this guy got ah old it because it's supposed to not be released yet. It pisses me off that this data is not available to the public for minor leaguers.

    Would be awesome to have access to that info.  They must have some arrangement with the teams to get that level of info.   It’s pretty crazy to think what teams can do now to engineer a game plan around each and every player and their physiological  nuances.  

  14. 2 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    Damn, I'd love to know where they get that information?

    Most of that can be obtained from blast sensors & hit trax or rapsodo.  Not sure how they are privy to that info.  Most kids now going through PG are hooked to sensors and k vests as well as most off-site training facilities.  Wonder if some of those places sell their data🤔?  

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