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Posts posted by emmett16

  1. The countdown is on - 1 hr until game time!  USA USA USA USA USA USA USA USA 

    Will be curious to see the ratings today.  USA v. England had 15mm tune-in which was the most watched soccer game in US history.  

  2. 1 hour ago, btdart20 said:

    $20m AAV is too rich for our budget.  But that's what FA spending looks like... Wonder if that has any impact (positive/negative) on Houston's push to resign Verlander...

    Only one 1B (Bell) left that is a real upgrade over Mountcastle.  But it wouldn't shock me if Elias is betting on a Mounty bounce.

    Sounds like HOU isn’t interested in Verlander at the 3/40 being floated.  Crazy enough, they don’t really need him.  LA is looking like Verlander’s home next year.  

  3. 9 minutes ago, Roll Tide said:

    I’m not thrilled to pay $30-$40 million for any pitcher that’s likely to only give you half a season for that money.

    They need to take the playoffs into consideration with the moves they make as well.  The goal isn’t just getting to the playoffs, it’s winning.  Its a huge risk but the reward is a WS.  They built roster flexibility specifically for a move just like that.  

  4. A name I’ve seen thrown around online but not much mention here is Quintana.  I don’t want him as my SP headliner, but he is intriguing as a second SP signing.  I didn’t realize he is only 33.  Left handed pitcher with the following career #s: .9HR9 / 3.75 era / 110 era+ / 3.62 FIP / 8.0 K9 (7.4k9 last year).  I hadn’t really considered him before, but after hearing his name thrown around I took a closer look and I have to say, there are some things to like.  There are a few red flags in there, but he might be a good candidate to maintain similar production into mid to late 30s.  I wonder what kind of contract he will be looking for and able to get.  


  5. 🇲🇦Look super strong.  Much better fitness level than Belgium.  You’d think the national teams would learn to bring the kids and not the aging stars.  More so than any other sport, it’s a young man’s game.  Can play QB at 45, can DH at 40, and you can get NBA minutes at 40.  You cannot play soccer at age 40 effectively.  Every  World Cup yesteryear’s stars get embarrassed by a new group of hungry young men.  

  6. 2 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Call me a Neanderthal, but I have trouble getting into a sport where a 0-0 tie is considered exciting.   I follow the World Cup but can’t sit and watch it for hours at a time.  

    The US can’t sleep on the Iran game.  They have to win, and you know that for Iran this is their Super Bowl, Ohio State-Michigan and Duke-UNC all rolled into one.  Knock the US out of the World Cup and what they do the rest of the tournament doesn’t even matter.   

    Frobby!  The excitement comes from the athleticism and the incredible plays they are able to pull off.  I find it somewhat similar to baseball in that respect.  The same beauty and athletic art it takes from Brooks, Manny, Omar, Ozzie to make all those incredible defensive plays is on full display throughout a soccer match.  That plus the level of fitness it takes to compete and how the fitness levels expose themselves in the last 15 minutes of each game is thrilling (to me at least :).  It took me a while to get into it as well, but once you get the bug there is no going back.  It truly is a beautiful game to watch unfold. 


    The Iran game is massive.  One of biggest games ever for our Country.  It is going to be extremely exciting.  Iran is a very good team so we cannot take them lightly.  With that said, I like our chances.  I think the boys will have a little swagger in their step after the draw against England. 

  7. Absolutely 'brilliant'.  The full-on down fall of English Civilization as we know it, failing to beat the lowly States at their own game.  Granted no one should have thought England had a chance after 60 years of futility in European competitions but is a bright day for the red, white, and blue!!!!! USA USA USA USA USA USA 

  8. Ghana & Portugal didn't disappoint, what a game!  I hope Netherlands v Ecuador turns out to be better than forecasted.  Then on to the main event!   I think USA has a slight advantage in that they have nothing to lose.  If England loses it's a massive embarrassment, if they win it was to be expected.  If you ask me, that's a tough spot to be in, we will see how it goes.  USA USA USA 

  9. 12 hours ago, glenn__davis said:

    I'm sure you know this but it's England, but the UK. Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own teams. 

    I'm aware.  Being the grandson of an Irish immigrant, I kinda let them do what they want up there and don't pay them too much mind :)  With that said I will always have a soft spot for Scotland. 

  10. Just now, Roll Tide said:

    What scares me is DeGrom’s innings pitched 64, 91, and 68. Baseball reference has him projected to pitch 101 innings. I just don’t see how any team could justify paying him 30-40 for that and 2ish WAR. 

    The justification would be if he pitched 15-20 of those innings in the playoffs and you win a WS.  I don't think I would be so brave to do it if it were my decision, but there is absolutely huge upside to the deal. 

  11. 1 hour ago, btdart20 said:

    At the end of the day, quality pitches win against quality hitters.  The level of competition rises in the playoffs, so it’s wise to have quality players for a playoff run.  
    If we think we’re a playoff worthy team, then we need quality pitching too.  The bar is higher.  And so is the cost and risk.  Investing style would be high growth industries.

    If we think we’re on the road to being a playoff team, then the bar isn’t as high.  The cost and risk can be lower.  Investing style would be diversified dividends or battered companies with a turnaround story.

    I think we’re a playoff caliber team.  I’m ok throwing a ton of money at a top tier SP.  Verlander, deGrom, and Rodon all have a better skill set than our current #1 SP and be better than many playoff caliber opposing #1 SP.  Yes, that’s a lot of money/risk on one arm.  But investing in proven winners is easier than catching a falling knife.  I favor the short term AAV of Verlander or deGrom.  I’m not opposed to a longer 5 year deal with Rodon (even working in a player or appropriate team option).

    Bassitt, Eovaldi and a few other would also be our #1 but would not be definitively better than opposing #1 SPs.  Our playoff odds would improve but the chances of making a run in the playoffs wouldn’t change much. More likely it would depend on Grayson’s development.  And likely not targeting 2023 to really compete for the WS.

    I’m just grateful this is even a topic of conversation vs. sifting for diamonds in the rough.  Bring on 2023!

    I think the selling point on DeGrom is what you pointed out.  Having him in a short playoff series, even if he only pitched 80 innings all year, is way better than no having him in a short playoff series.  It's a move for the playoff tournament, not really a move for the regular season.  

  12. Japan is a good team and a bit underrated.  But the Germans are always so organized and prepared for all tournament's, it's a big upset.  The Saudi Game was really the massive upset.  The South American teams are at a bit of a disadvantage in the tournament because of all the travel.  It's kinda like playing for Seatle in that all the travel adds up....Most of the Argentines and Brazilians play for Euro clubs and have to travel back home for friendlies, qualifiers, and training. What they have to do compared to the euro players is insane.  One of the reasons Messi said he wanted to quit the national team years back. 

  13. Who is watching the World Cup?  Who are you pulling for?  I'm a baseball die hard, grew up in a baseball family, played ball until I was 24 (technically still playing:), and am raising baseball kids.  Had the opportunity to live and play baseball in Spain for 3 years and became a huge soccer fan (hence the Valencia CF shield icon).  For my money there isn't a better sporting event in the world than the World Cup.  I pretty much plan my month around the tournament every four years.  Needless to say I'm a huge Spain fan and today was a lot of fun!  Who are you watching in the cup? 

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