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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Cowser 102, 101, BB, BB. He’s seeing the ball well.
  2. @Malike I wonder if teams have proprietary predictive stats that overlay xBA & xOBACON with spray charts. I think at the end of the day the players are trying to hit the ball hard pull side in the air. Thats when good things happen.
  3. For sure. But only a small % of MLBers are able to consistently hit the ball that hard. If he connects with the ball 1/4” lower it’s a HR. If that ball was hit 10’ to the left or right it’s a hit. If you high the ball hard consistently good things will happen. No amount of advanced scouting will completely subdue a batter hitting the ball hard consistently, there are just too many variables.
  4. I understand it’s descriptive. Even with advanced scouting balls that are hit hard at certain LA only give defenders so much time to make a play. If that small @ 102.2 is hit with 5 degree more loft it’s a HR. I’ll take a guy that’s hitting the ball hard like that all day. The HR is in play a lot more often.
  5. He’s 2 for 9 away from Holliday’s mark.
  6. I don’t see a problem. If you sprayed 100 balls around the outfield (or even in the general area a player hits) at 102.2 @ 17 degrees, I think it’s safe to say 48 of those would be hits. You disagree ? All you can do is hit the ball hard. Over time ten rest will work itself out.
  7. Scherzer looks like Ernie McCracken with his hat off.
  8. 108, 104, & 90MPH EVs in 3 ABs last night. Could have easily had 2 hits. Just missed the fly out to LF. I’d say he had a pretty good night. I believe all his hard contact will net results in the next 10 weeks.
  9. We need RH hitting. Not sure how much he could net in a trade. I think he could do some damage in a 300 AB season. Hays is getting expensive. He made 6.5MM this year and will get a raise next year. I’m not saying I wouldn’t trade him, but Norby very likely has a role on the 2025 team.
  10. Norby is a candidate to replace Hays. I’d say that’s his clearest path.
  11. He looks much more on balance & connected.
  12. So the orioles might not trade all their stars at the deadline?
  13. One of the best plays I’ve ever seen.
  14. Clean Fuego is a great tool. I highly recommend for any player. It's great to teach youth players to throw through the ball and not around it. Pro and upper level amateurs can use it for pitch shaping, but it's awesome for young guys to work on throwing the ball straight and efficiently. Historically players would use hockey pucks. But the clean fuego (the regular version) is a build on that concept. It's the same weight as a baseball and has seems to help with grip. It's also pretty darn cool the company headquarters is right here in Rockville, MD. Neat to see a local company on the national scale changing the game a bit.
  15. Maybe they saw some fans with the 'W' flag and got psyched out?
  16. That's a deal I can get on board with. I'm not sure they do Mullins and I'd try to include someone else. I'd like to see them trade from MLB Surplus guys like Norby & Stowers as well as high ceiling low floor guys like Fabian, Beavers, & Bradfield. I'd be fine trading Povich or McDermott for a SP.
  17. But, but, but....they pitched 60 amazing innings this year! Preach. It's beyond annoying. They knew that those guys were not going to contribute this year.
  18. He’s OPSing .870 in last 5 games. He’s OPSing .872 in last 10 Games. League average is .707. Sign me Up for slumpin’ Gunnar.
  19. It was not meant to be insulting. You stated our pitching staff is now depleted and performing poorly because we lost Means & Bradish. My first point was to show they have, in fact, not contributed much this year. Means similarly didn’t contribute much last year. The second point was to show that they are, in fact, not playing .500 since the Astros series. They are 8-6 since that series. The final point was to show there has not been a massive drop off in pitching in June as you stated. I agree the numbers are not good in July 10 days into the month. I Imagine they will normalize. Sorry you took offense.
  20. Your post was factually inaccurate on multiple accounts. Yes, I've checked their July ERA. I've also checked their monthly ERA for the last 9 months and they are remarkably consistent. They allowed half their ERs on the month in two outings. You don't think those numbers will normalize? I tend to think they will return to the mean. Maybe I'm wrong, but again - they been consistent for 9 months straight, so I see no need to go into panic mode. It's no surprise that the worst stretch of baseball they've played this year resulted in allowing 6 runs per game. You are saying that this is the new normal and they will continue to play this poorly? I don't see that. I see it for what it is. A SSS during a bad stretch of baseball. That tends to happen in a 162-game season.
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