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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. An example of someone who doesn’t do “the stretch” move very well is our very own Mateo. He is very “handsy” with his swing. His hands go too early, doesn’t stretch, kinetic chain breaks down, and as a result his bat doesn’t stay in the hitting zone very long.
  2. Yea, but some don’t do it well. One of the main reasons why baseball players have to be limber/pliable. You won’t see it much in the “beef cakes”. Griffey was probably the best ever. Just one of the reasons why people are so high on him.
  3. I’ve seen what you’re talking about. I think the reason you don’t see it much is because he’s an elite hitter and doing it on purpose as opposed to someone “stepping in the bucket” and flying open while whiffing on the outside. He’s opening up his hips a bit to protect against the inside fastball since he’s geared up for and looking to drive the ball up the middle & away.
  4. Not if hands move first. Kinetic chain breaks down. The Elites have hands go back as front foot goes forward like winding up a spring. Then foot, hip, shoulder, hand,
  5. Most likely to get a rise out of people on a completely different message board.
  6. I get that. But when a shop down I95 also has that same car, which is sure to appreciate even more, and the seat doesn’t need to be reupholstered, which one is more appealing?
  7. I agree. I just think when injuries occur and someone gets shut down, the orgs MO is giving no info. I hadn’t heard anything about his health so figured until reports were out and he’s throwing in ST it would be hard to count on him for too much, especially eating the “Gibson innings”.
  8. I think you could come up with some scenarios where it might be more enticing, sure. I didn’t say anything about anyone backing out of any deals. I said a lower payroll would be appealing and that someone with a billion to spend is going to analyze all details meticulously. Apparently the Latrell Spreewell fan club got offended
  9. I think not having 50MM spread over 3 years and having the ability to choose how you’d like to spend 50MM over 3 years is more appealing. You don’t?
  10. Someone who has a billion plus to spend didn’t get it by spending frivolously. They will analyze all assets and future contracts. To think otherwise is foolish.
  11. No Duke avatar. Thought for sure he’d bring it back .
  12. Final team payroll will be interesting for sure. Only positive for low payroll is the appeal to a potential buyer
  13. I’ll be excited to see him throw in ST. He could very well throw 0IP. Elbow pain 4 starts after returning from TJ is pretty worrisome.
  14. Thats probably fair. It just seem like they both pump out home bred talent on the regular.
  15. I’ve been looking around for video. Ron Washington is the IF coach, you can find some stuff he does on YouTube and the Socials. Now that you are retired, head over to UMD and watch how they do their defense practice with the set up I mentioned. 2 jugs + fungo and coach with a stopwatch. It’s impressive.
  16. Thats on purpose to open up his hips. The swing plane covers the entire plate and is very much geared to CF/LCF. He hasn’t hit full strength yet, but if you watch his highlights he hit some monster HR to straight away LF. Not a lot of holes in the swing.
  17. People clamor on about how all they do is spend spend spend, but both are fantastical development orgs. It also doesn’t hurt being one of the biggest brands in baseball when courting foreign players & domestic talent.
  18. Because we have boku IF. He’s our best trade chip IMO. I’d hate doing it, but he’s likely the cost of doing business for a difference maker. We are relatively light in the OF and have an over abundance of IF.
  19. I heard an interview (believe in July/August) with Mayo on MLB network radio and he mentioned he had his eyes checked last off-season and for the first time started wearing contacts in the 2023 season. He said it wasn’t so much a problem before, but after he started wearing them he noticed a big offense in clarity and detail and seeing pitches became much easier.
  20. And the org has made it clear that poor/average defense is a barrier to entry.
  21. You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think he’s putting in as much if not more time on D. There is plenty to do. Defense is footwork, hand eye, mobility, and strength. There are entire plyo & med ball routines built out for every position. Guarantee he’s on a specific arm care routine built out to coincide with the season. All of his warms ups, mobility training, dynamic stretching, & weight routines are built out for his performance as a MI. You can sequence 2 jugs machines that can move easily( line drive + floater or top spin + botttom spin) and a fungo to replicate game reps with defender not knowing what is coming for game speed practice.
  22. Didn’t realize he was a TBT guy. Uber elite baseball training & teams. Miggys son is on their 12u team. Every single kid in their program is special. When someone sticks out of the group, you can tell they will go places.
  23. Yea and? They grow their arms and have done well doing it for a long time.
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