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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Cowser is a beast. https://youtu.be/iVfDp1ecSuo I think folks havnt had a chance to see him play. He’s darn impressive. And for a 6’2” 220+ he moves well and packs a punch. Tony has pointed out that his only real question mark is hitting velocity. Giving time and experience I expect him to be a force for a long time. If he’s the main piece that goes, people are gonna be salty in a few years.
  2. Is the cost for Burnes supposed to be more than Cease? I’d prefer the bonfire ace if all things are the same. I’d want someone to start each series, not be the stopper in game three. Cease floor scares me a bit if reported asks are true.
  3. I doubt you have to go all the way back to 2019 to see Hays post a .350 OBP over a 21 game stretch.
  4. My biggest take away from that article is now that the Elias admin is hush hush, Roch gets most of info from OH. Any guesses on his username or do you think he just lurks as a guest?
  5. Biggest difference I see between those three is their extension. Burnes 6.6 Cease 6.3 Valdez 5.9 Those fastballs play very differently. Can’t wait to see what Yamamoto is. That’s one of the biggest difference in how they teach pitching over there. In videos it crazy how far away from rubber he gets. They are taught to take 7 steps (heel to toe), make a mark, and try to land 7 steps away from rubber. 5.9 is pretty bad unless he has some really small feet
  6. He’s apparently on a velocity program this winter. He’ll either gain a tick or two or blown out the UCL.
  7. Folks are starting to see/understand why ME prefers the development route. It’s gonna make watching out youngins lift that WS all the more enjoyable.
  8. 13.1 k/9 Is striking out just about half the batters he faces. Pretty crazy when you think about it. He may be inconsistent (we also don’t know what he’s working on/trying to do out there) but he is dominant. He can manipulate the ball in a way most people only dream of.
  9. I’m not super familiar with Posters on other message boards and I don’t think I’d give up our current top 3, but I’m sure we could at least get a bag of balls back for SG & CoC.
  10. This is precisely what caught me hook, line, and sinker on the Orioles Hangout. Have *wasted countless hours per day since. *non-OHers definition of waste.
  11. I agree. They both have their pros & cons but both are very productive pitchers. Consistency matters and while WHIFF is fantastic, the emphasize on missing bats is a bit overblown. From the article I posted in Best Pitches of 2023 thread…. “Sinkers differentiate from four-seamers in many ways. The most obvious is that the sinker’s value is tied towards generating low run value contact in the form of ground balls. An average four-seamer will likely outweigh a “good” sinker in its ability to generate whiffs, but it won’t necessarily outweigh it in its ability to negate runs.”
  12. I’m pretty sure Tony has made some comments and have seen mentioned in other places. Mostly nit picks and in the context of how much better he will be when he makes those adjustments. Let me try and find.
  13. I’d be surprised if they didn’t have an entire department that focuses on best mental approach custom tailored to each player. This stuff is leaking down to HS and youth levels now. Here’s a link to a local guy (I’m sure many are familiar with) who also works with teams & players as a consultant. Knowing the Os forward thinking and outside the box thinking, I have to imagine they have a custom in house program.
  14. Another small piece of this is his defense. He’s elite because of his speed but as crazy as it sounds there’s a good bit of room for improvement. There have been some fairly critical reviews of his routes and jumps. Couple that with his weak arm and he still has some work to do on defensive side as well. I’m sure he could hold the his own, but if his bat is lagging a bit in development, his D needs to be absolute top shelf. I think he has a pretty full plate of things to work on in 2024. I expect him to meet the challenge and show steady improvement.
  15. If EBJ and Mullins are in the outfield together then things are looking darn good for the Os. I’m all for it. I think that’s like 100th percentile in things going as perfectly as possible. Both so good they need to be in the lineup while no balls touch the grass in OPACY on D. Sign me up.
  16. The scenario was Mullins coming off a career year. Tendering him a one year contract (rewarding him) in his walk year (when he’s motivated to be the best ever) is an example of a bad contract for a player in decline? OK. So… A team is going to trade for said declining player on a “bad” contract? Hmm.
  17. You’ve probably seen this, but for others here is a good article on Stuff+ that gets into the weeds. https://www.drivelinebaseball.com/2021/12/what-is-stuff-quantifying-pitches-with-pitch-models/
  18. We havnt seen this org do that yet. I agree that would be best base scenario. There is also the element of rewarding the guys who are your poster children for what a successful player looks like. That creates cohesion and shared goals through the org top to bottom.
  19. What if Mullins has a career year this year and is healthy? He’d be pretty motivated with a ton of confidence to put up an equally good year in his walk year. Do I think that will happen? No. But it’s not out of the realm of possibility.
  20. I was talking about the Os. I’m going to assume they will continue to operate similarly to how they have historically. Jordan Westburg comes to mind. His output this year equates to a 3+ Win season. It sure seemed like he was ready at the beginning of the year, if not even a little bit earlier. Im not offering my opinion of what they should do, but what I think they’ll do based on what they’ve done in the past. As it relates to the 2026 ROY, I think if they slow roll EBJ, he’d be a good candidate. It’s not out of the realm of possibility and it doesn’t mean he’s a failed prospect.
  21. Who would you say is a recent example of the team doing that? Looks like a lot of guys that appear to be “that guy” who are currently in a similar situation. If the guy in front of him contributes to a WS run and his value/skills can be put towards an additional year 6 years later, I’d say that’s just about max value.
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