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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Works for me. Would hate to give up Bright, but think he’ll ultimately end up in the pen. Ortiz & Stowers are legit MLB ready talent. Fabian & Bright are high end lottery tickets, Ambruester is a solid throw in.
  2. They don’t? Dodgers grow them, Astros grow them, Rays grow them, Braves grow them, Brewers grow them….
  3. Agree. Kinda think they aren’t going to. I think the whole acquiring a #1-#3 is an OH fantasy/fabrication. I mean, what else would we talk about?
  4. As long as they are willing to cut bait if he falls on his face, I’d be fine giving him a shot. I don’t see them taking a 10MM+ gamble though.
  5. Maybe not. But I’m sure it plays into their thinking. I just don’t see them trading away players they identified and traded for.
  6. I think the service time piece is huge for ME. I don’t see him giving 6 years of pitching for 2 is 1. 3 and it start to get intriguing.
  7. My guess is that precisely what they’ll do. Unless we can trade for an SP from our vet OF or prospect IF surplus.
  8. I get that. Just don’t see them doing it. I’m thinking Shane Bieber for one of our outfielders fits their goals/objectives.
  9. We have a ton of quality. I don’t see them trading pitching. It’s what they need.
  10. He played 1/3 of his games last year in AAA on OF (mainly LF).
  11. Norby rakes. Imagine he has a giant chip on his shoulder being a Pirate and the red headed step child of the org. He’s gonna be a good MLB player.
  12. His pops is a pro and knows the recipe. D isn’t as aesthetically pleasing for SM. Most of the posts aren’t from his accnt, but from others. He seems like a pretty private, serious, and low key dude. Matt is just tickled pink that his boys share the same passion and are excelling.
  13. But yet folks still think we are prospect hoarding. Iron sharpens iron.
  14. I’d be surprised if either was on the table.
  15. The swing is approaching Griffey level beauty. https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cz-D1v8MsrL/?igsh=MXFhbjQ1ZGh1ZXBnbQ==
  16. His parents raised a special young man. https://www.instagram.com/p/C0ksOhDNyLQ/?igsh=MThocHV5Zmw3NDV1bg==
  17. Shane Bieber is starting to look like a good target for a Gibson upgrade. I’m not intrigued by any of the FA pitchers.
  18. I’d sign up for 135 ip out of Means. Been saying for a while Hays is the weak links. As compared to other RF in the league, Santander is below average. I’m sure ME & all the other Games know this as well. Our improvement next year hinges on the development system.
  19. Making up for Bautista’s production is going to be a challenge. We had a very middle of the road bullpen last year with him. Kimbrel alone isn’t fixing that. I’d like to see them pick up an impact reliever more than a SP.
  20. I agree. I guess what I meant was they are better at putting better and pertinent info into the system therefore reaping better results. No doubt the Astros are still on top of this stuff.
  21. I’ve often read that in the copy cat world of baseball you get about an 18 month competitive advantage before others start to catch on . The SI came back into popularity as all the hitters started to better defend the high 4 seamer and changed their swing and cut down on attack angle. Until batters make a change, it’ll likely stick around. Sounds to me that the really good sweepers are guys that throw the slider and get more SSW. So my guess would be the guys that get the extra movement will stick with the sweeper and the so so ones will drop them. If you can tunnel the sweeper with a CU that darts in the opposite direction that would be lethal. I think the trick will always be timing. If you can throw two pitches from the same exact release point with two movement & speed profiles you have something to work with. Being able to do that consistently and with command is a whole other story.
  22. I think it’s a continual work in progress. I imagine it’s better today than it was in April.
  23. “For whatever it’s worth, ZiPS now projects Mateo’s final OPS at .768, which includes his 1.062 to date, and .711 for the rest of the season“ He had OPS’d ~.650 for his career up to 2023. I don’t think anyone could have reasonably expected him to be historically bad AND continue to get ABs. If I remember correctly, I thought he’d fall off significantly but stop getting ABs before his OPS dropped below .700. Pretty incredible how terrible he was after the hot start and that they kept giving him ABs.
  24. Yep. As noted in the article I posted there is no discernible difference for a RHP in movement profile between sinkers in the 2250-1750RPM range. The article also points to flaws and discrepancies in the measuring systems. So we can’t take all the data as 100% gospel. I’ve got a sneaking suspicion Sig has figured out how to measure late break. There’s a massive difference in a pitch with say20” in movement over 55’ (assuming 5’5” extension from rubber) and 20” in movement over the last 20’ or even 30’ of the pitch’s trajectory. Meaning you could have a guy who’s movement profile is poor on Baseball Savant, but if that “poor” movement comes in the last 1/3 of travel, you have an elite pitch.
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