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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. Isaac Mattson, Zach Peek, Kyle Bradish, and Kyle Brnovich. From Roch.
  2. Here's something for the dreamers: https://www.mlb.com/news/angels-2019-top-30-prospects-list
  3. Ah, I'm assuming the hotshot prospect is screening out calls from his GM while in line at Starbucks but you do you. Sorry, minor leaguer. Maybe Dunkin.
  4. Apparently the others that haven't been named yet are because they haven't been contacted. Is there some metric you are aware of that says that the worse prospects tend to be harder to reach by cell phone? Seems to me if anything the reverse might be true.
  5. When does the current O's agreement with MASN expire?
  6. I hope i'm part of the 1.2M in-market drop off ! I might be..........depends on when they pulled the numbers since I cut the cord in 2018. Be the change you want to see in the world everyone. And yea, what interloper said 1000x over. I'd pay MASN directly to stream games during the season............but if they don't wanna play ball oh well.
  7. The Shorebirds had 15 pitchers (over half) that were age 23-26 this year. Seems like a virtual lock that Easton will start out there.
  8. Drungo, facts aren't really useful when they disagree with the narrative you're trying to push. How long have you been a poster here again?
  9. He is entering his final arbitration year after making 3.6M this year.
  10. According to Roch's morning blogpost teams have until 1 pm today to claim Villar.. I guess he will be a FA after that? https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2019/12/deadline-arriving-to-tender-contracts-to-arbitration-eligible-players.html
  11. Full disclosure - I said that I was 'against' this move. I think if I was the GM my goal would be to tender him a contract and then spend the rest of the time up until July 2020 trying to move him for a good deal. Now having said all that...... I think some of the outrage over this move is pretty far out there. This is the direction of the team that we all knew was coming from the time Elias was hired. They are going to tear down payroll. We are going to lose a lot for awhile, while building up the system. We don't know exactly how long it will take to get better, hopefully by 21-22 we see measurable improvement at the MLB level. So no, this should not be a 'shock' to people. Clearly we all KNOW we will not compete in 2020, so what is the big complaint? That they will be losing 90-105 games in a 'less enjoyable manner' than if he was still on the roster? So we are basically upset over "losing style points?" I'll pass on that. I will watch just as many games on TV as I would if Villar were still here (not as many as I used to in the Buck era, but more than this season I think), and I will go to just as many games in person (very few). I support just about everything Elias has done since coming here, I just realized that directly watching the Orioles lose 100 times a year probably is not the best thing for my mental well-being. I can follow from one degree away, and be just fine. As people have said on here many times, you are free to trust the process that Elias has committed to, or not. It's apparent that some folks here do not, despite seeing it work in other places. Whether or not you believe in it, I would ask that you at least not act so shocked / stupefied when you see Elias make moves consistent with that approach.
  12. Depends on a lot of factors if you really save a lot after cutting the cord. I know some people that have cable bills around $200/month. You can do far better than that with cord cutting. I personally tried my best to keep my TOTAL Internet and TV bill at 100 or less. That was possible with FIOS and Comcast for a time. But it's a hassle. Really looking forward to seeing what the details on this will be.
  13. Wow, thanks Tony for writing this up and opening up the window a bit. I know I don't really rank very high in terms of seniority on this site, but it seems kinda crazy that I joined about 11 years ago when I was fresh out of college, just starting my 'real job,' and I hadn't yet met my wife (married in 2012, now we have two amazing kids). I've gotten an incredible amount of joy and value from this site, from the "Dark Ages" up until 2012, and then the entire Buck/Duquette era, and now the Elias rebuild era. The Orioles have been an enormous part of my life ever since I was a little boy going to games with my parents and watching Cal Ripken break records, and the Hangout has helped me to take that fandom to another level, learning bits and pieces of how things work behind the scenes, how things are going in the minor leagues, etc. Also it's been fun just hanging out with a big group of guys who all share the same passion. Whatever you decide, Tony, just wanted you to know that we all are so thankful for this thing that you have created and the online relationships that have formed as a result of it. Selfishly I'm sure we all hope it stays around at least until Baltimore brings home another World Series trophy or two, but you have certainly earned the right to do whatever is best for you and your family and your future. Thanks for everything sir, you should be extraordinarily proud of what you've built here.
  14. yeah I agree with this 100%. But would this then lead to all the minor league affiliates being essentially subsidized by the MLB club? How much is that the case now? I have to imagine the MLBPA is going to oppose that too.
  15. Yeah I'm playing along with the joke here but in reality I support what Elias is doing 100% and I think most of the fans on this message board are in the same boat. Overpaying for mediocrity is only going to prolong the problems. The system needed a total gutting and rebuild from the ground up, which we are seeing now. It will pay off in good time.
  16. Yeah I mean. I think a cheeseburger from 5 Guys is pretty good but I think I'm on pretty sound footing if I also say I would not pay $30K for it. Obviously I'm not in favor of overpaying for things, certainly not to that degree. In no way am I suggesting that teams SHOULD be overpaying for guys over 35.
  17. Well 2 or 3 WAR is still pretty good. You're talking about true All Star talent that is 4 or above. You won't have an entire roster of those guys.
  18. The Orioles have spent less on payroll than Sidney Ponson spends annually in legal fees.
  19. And yes this is 100% true. It's no secret that player salaries are not keeping pace with increasing revenues and it's no surprise that mega agents and the Union are going to bark about that. They can whine all they want but meaningful change likely won't happen until the CBA expires in a couple years.
  20. Not saying I believe any of the allegations made here off-hand. But who exactly would be responsible for 'speaking up' and getting the owner of an MLB team to relinquish control in this scenario? I'm not sure how realistic that would be. The other owners I guess? Who own less than 50% of the team?
  21. Ummmmm, I think I want Mark Trumbo to hang out with Chris Davis for awhile now. If that means moving them both to the bullpen...........I'm open to it!
  22. Nope. Not even a little bit. Better question is should Os fans just sit back and enjoy this football team while the mlb offseason is ongoing. Appreciate how fortunate we are to have an MVP candidate at QB and one of the best offenses in football so far. Be thankful for what the Baltimore fanbase has right now....and not dwell on what we do not. It's quite good for you....i recommend it. The orioles need to worry about their mlb competition. If they are worried about the ravens then their eye isnt really on the prize. Fortunately i think Elias is too smart to fall for any such distraction.
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