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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. They will cut him before they pay him 4M.
  2. Dude signed a minor league deal last season. The O's are not going to pay him 4-6 million.
  3. We'll see what he ends up making, if he even ends up in Baltimore.
  4. Talking about making the Yankees look like the Rays, did you see that de Blasio is trying to screw with the Mets' sale?
  5. They could sell MASN to the Nats and air the games on Amazon Prime.
  6. Potential buyers will be able to take a look at the real books.
  7. Why do folks think Ripken would be an asset? Has he done that much with his minor league teams that indicate he'd be a good owner? I'm asking out of honest curiosity. Is it just what he did as a player that is influencing people?
  8. Just remember, things can always get worse. Remember not too long ago when folks were excited the sons were taking over?
  9. Not really. I can see third and fourth year arbitration guys slotting into spots in the 40's in a normal year and this isn't a normal year.
  10. It will get better as more guys get their options declined or get non-tendered.
  11. Which just makes a lockout or strike more likely in 2022.
  12. Also way less exposure to sunlight for most folks.
  13. Can someone post the Passan piece from 2016? Fine, I'll do it myself! https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/the-hypocrisy-of-tony-la-russa-and-the-understandable-fears-of-black-baseball-players-045857175.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAHJcQbpfrPima3Pa-k7ddn64LjXCvTRTLZt17V6aIe0PVPxrd2x8i1qriyiOLmJyDtHKra0xnmguKWbPHSckYZlYKDx0xo0iLWu_9sX8HFiM0Ktc9D63O2TFK8bN83KfwMnpJacEm2q6OG-yYs3gor0WGM5TSNvSQekxTeVAuB86&__twitter_impression=true
  14. Hess would have been a pretty solid pitcher in 1978.
  15. Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Knowledge corrupts. It's pretty simple.
  16. So now the goalpost is if makes an impact on his major league career the next season? That's quite a jump. I will say that one year of age when a player is making his MLB debut can hugely impact his future earnings. No one in this thread is suggesting that he shouldn't finish his degree at some point. Also intelligence and education aren't the same thing. Of course odds are very good that the speculation of him not being able to attend the camp and instead using his time to work on his degree is correct.
  17. Honestly, I don't think you can say that. You are probably right but maybe they uncover a swing adjustment that he can take into the offseason and perfect? It's conceivably possible that his career could be impacted. As for what is more important? This is hardly the only chance he has to work on his degree and it's pretty unlikely that having a degree in recreation and sport management will make a difference in the next year or so. I'd say working on his degree right now isn't that important compared with professional baseball.
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