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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Aren't they cutting coaches (according to the coaches) over a couple hundred K? We know the O's left more unspent than any other team. We know they went with a signability choice at 1-2.
  2. If he isn't able to spend his full allotment than he isn't able to truly implement his international signing plan. One leads directly to another. As to why they might limit his spending, that's simple, it's their money. We know the following. Elias didn't spend all his allotment on the draft. Elias didn't spend all his allotment on the International market. According to the two coaches in question they were let go because of money. The O's consolidated the ML pitching coach and director of pitching positions which is almost assuredly saving them money. I can see cutting ML spending as close to the bone as possible when a team isn't in contention. But the draft, the International market, and coaching are areas they should be spending on.
  3. I am mixed up because of the changing dates. Didn't Elias say they would not trade any slots his first full season? I assumed he spent all the allotment if he didn't trade any slots.
  4. Or Elias is given a budget that is less than the allotment allowed them and he makes draft decisions (going underslot in first round perhaps?) based on those constraints. I'll accept that your scenario is possible, but I think mine is as well. As to international, they managed to spend their full allotment the period before but they couldn't find enough players this period? Did you see the Dodgers just signed a 16 year old that had ties to the Yankees? I might very well be wrong about all of this, but I might be right and if I am it's going to be very hard for Elias to build a winner.
  5. Which was more than any other team this draft.
  6. Played in the majors in six different years. I can think of worse first round picks.
  7. I agree that we don't, but the trend isn't good.
  8. Spending more on those two is generally better than spending less.
  9. I agree that I would be bitching if they spent money on a free agent when they didn't spend their full allotments on the draft and the International market.
  10. I'm not saying they are as bad, just that the purse strings appear to be a lot tighter.
  11. I know they lauded the Gausman trade in which the O's got International slot money they didn't use in exchange for dumping O'Day's contract.
  12. My recollection is they took over after the season flopped.
  13. I wonder if the 24M still counts against them for cap purposes?
  14. I hear things like they had to let coaches go because of money. I see things like they didn't spend their full allotment on the draft or in the international market. I think the financial constraints are pretty significant.
  15. At least the Mets don't have to pay him next season.
  16. Yea, strike my statement above. Dude, you're super rich, you can't afford something better than a roid from the early 60's? Pay for something untraceable for goodness sake.
  17. I guess at some level you have to respect the desire to do well, since he's already had his big payday and he's going to lose over 20M.
  18. If I have to pick two of the three I'll stick with hitting and pitching.
  19. Was he older than you when he was playing and you've somehow passed him?
  20. I think they have put Elias under some pretty tight financial constraints. For instance I believed the coaches when they claimed that money is the reason they were not brought back.
  21. You could tell that I wasn't seriously considering the offense less offensive because the vehicle wasn't moving right?
  22. It really troubles me that society is at a point where certain members view repeated instances of drunk driving as a slight infraction.
  23. I don't think the first time you ever decide to drink drunk it's so drunk you pass out. I think you have to build up to that.
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