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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. If Jesse Barnes can throw a complete game in 51 minutes...
  2. Also would mean no commercials which would speed games up.
  3. Yes, one is suing even. Does anyone think a MLB team would weigh one appearance that highly?
  4. Are we expecting full velocity on February 24th?
  5. Using a mike would be a poor solution. Put a sensor in the catcher's mitt in which he can transmit a signal to the pitcher. One pulse fastball, two curve ect. No reason to have a code more complicated than that and the pitcher doesn't even have to be able to send signals back.
  6. They also have something called the "Injured list". Evidently it allows teams to take an injured player off the roster and replace them with someone that isn't injured. It used to be called the "Disable list", from what I read they were thinking about calling it the "Cobb list" but "Injured list" won out.
  7. Of course he is and that is before you factor in his no trade protection.
  8. I just had an idea I thought was amusing. During a ST game a team playing against the Astros should just have the catcher yell to the pitcher what pitch to throw. "Hey guys, I know they won't let you do it the high tech way anymore so we are going to help you out" Fastball, Curve and so forth. For the second batter the pitcher could yell back, no, and the catcher could call out a different pitch.
  9. If the earpiece the pitcher is wearing is set loud enough that the center fielder can hear it would defeat the purpose. ?
  10. We have reached the part of the contract in which we should have expected his performance to dip sharply.
  11. I didn't say no one cares. Just that I don't. ?
  12. Too much time away from the team and the orange shifts into ochre.
  13. Three when you include their international market violation.
  14. Have they mentioned the Red Sox cheating?
  15. You'll take .187 with 12 home runs and you'll like it.
  16. I expect him to be in Sarasota a lot.
  17. I'd feel a smidgen better about what Rose did if he had always bet on his team to win. But he didn't.
  18. He was not a bad pick. Hobgood was a bad pick. The kid has made the majors. Anyone that thinks he was a bad pick has unrealistic expectations of what you can expect out of the second round.
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