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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. So it's only a good pick if he pans out? I disagree with your premise.
  2. We've been speculating that this might happen for some time. This shouldn't be a surprise for anyone here.
  3. I think the Hernaiz pick in the fifth round was genius.
  4. Anything simple enough for players to remember won't take long to break down using video footage.
  5. I'd like to see a reputable accounting firm get a look at the books and see what they have to say. I do not believe those teams lost money under a fair accounting.
  6. I'm not sure how DFA'ing Villar would stop him from exposing anything. How exactly would that work? I'd just as soon cut Villar loose as trade him for guys like Dan got back in the Matusz trade. I'm fine with lottery tickets but I have no use for a bunch of used scratch off tickets.
  7. They need to shed another half a million to get to the Marlins' level.
  8. I think that Elias and the Brothers Angelos had a long detailed discussion about finances when he was hired. I think the way the Astros managed to shed payroll was a plus.
  9. The Tillman deal was under the Peter not his sons.
  10. Theoretically some of the money saved would go to improving the farm. Players, scouts, instructors, facilities.
  11. I'm guessing that some of the Indy league teams are operating on a tight enough margin that some would fold. Just FYI.
  12. Actually I've gone back and read the Hobgood draft thread and had a number of chuckles out of it. I was just stupefied that anyone thought the pick was a good idea.
  13. But they don't do everything. They have actually been mindful of the soft cap in recent years. If winning is the difference maker are you fine with how the Rays conduct business? They win a lot of games.
  14. I mean, I could quote Astroball. Look, I HATED the Hobgood pick, go back and check. I despised it. But they weren't being cheap and if your argument is centered around them not spending that draft isn't supporting evidence.
  15. Sure, I'm just trying to show things from the prospective of an owner. Folks don't often buy teams to operate as public trusts.
  16. I agree. I'll bet that the Yankee ownership siphons off more profits than the Oriole ownership.
  17. They spent 8.8 million on the Hobgood draft. Sign ability was a strategy that year not a result of cheapness.
  18. No. It's fine for the owners of the Yankees to make more profit than the O's? What is the cutoff? The Yankees could spend more on payroll. I know a lot of Yankee fans who think they should spend more on payroll. I know a lot of Yankee fans that were upset at them not being willing to take on salary for the playoff this year.
  19. The question is what is a healthy profit. Let's look at the Royals since they just got sold. They sold for a billion. If ownership makes 50M a year out of the team it still takes 20 years to pay off the purchase price and that doesn't include debt management.
  20. That you picked three teams with the highest revenue streams to make a point about spending. If the Yankees bring in 200M more revenue than the O's and spend 150M more who is cheaper?
  21. Dodgers, Yankees and Cowboys? So the tenth, second and most valuable franchises in professional sports are your references? All three of those teams are extremely profitable.
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