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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Ten minutes before he tore his hamstring would have been the perfect time.
  2. I think if he was offered two 17 year old Dominicans I won't fault him for holding onto him in hopes of getting a better deal in the offseason.
  3. I think it very unlikely that Elias is in favor of keeping Davis around.
  4. Not exactly. They might just think they can get him cheaper as a free agent.
  5. If I have an asset worth,1B I have certain expectations about the income I will be receiving.
  6. While this isn't a done deal I've been saying all along that it seemed as if other teams didn't value Villar as much as his stats would suggest they should.
  7. Seems to me like they are trying to see if anyone wants him for his arbitration number instead of his free agent price.
  8. I 'm not starting a thread while I'm on mobile. Stephen F. Austin 85 Duke 83 Biggest upset ever?
  9. Sure. I still don't think it is accurate to say this team is far more dominant than a team that was ranked #2 multiple times in multiple polls.
  10. The 2015-2016 team was ranked as high as #2 in both polls as late as week 14. You think this team is far more dominant?
  11. I'm not sold Severino would be an upgrade over whomever else they stick back there when AR doesn't catch. He had a nice first half but in the second half his OPS+ dropped to around his career average (71)
  12. I'm sure one of them would bring back a big return.
  13. Good thing the voters don't read the Hangout.
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