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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. It used to be that way here until the most recent reset. It was kinda gross the amount of rep power some of us had. I topped out at 19 points of rep power.
  2. It bothers me since I feel it's a poor process.
  3. I'm not offended, just didn't get the reference.
  4. I have a couple posters on /ignore that neg rep me. I'm not certain that should be a thing. But I've started posting a bit on Reddit and it does wonders for building up thick skin for downvotes.
  5. Not sure what you mean by that. I was just remarking that attacking a poster for a high or low volume of posts isn't something I'm in favor of.
  6. Also the opposite when a poster gets attacked for a high volume of posts. That's mostly because it is generally me being attacked in such a fashion.
  7. I think the Cashner trade was about dumping his salary.
  8. I'll admit that is is possible he turned down more at the deadline that he can get now. I just don't think he turned down anything that would actually aid the rebuild in a meaningful way.
  9. You won't convince me that Elias was trying to sell high on Villar and turned down a reasonable return, not without evidence we are not likely to see. Look what he accepted back for dumping Cashner's contract.
  10. Word is they have trade partners for Bundy. I firmly believe that at the last two deadlines and this offseason teams have tried to trade Villar and have seen very little interest. I wouldn't be shocked to find out he was quietly shopped last offseason.
  11. Elias, the Brothers Angelos. Sig probably knows.
  12. And I wouldn't call any of the above "crushing" the O's over not tendering him in an effort to trade him at the deadline.
  13. Can you honestly tell yourself that Elias turned down a reasonable return for Villar? Or that the Brewers could have done better than forcing the O's to take him in the Schoop deal? I don't think the National media is "crushing" the O's over the idea that they can flip him for a "significant" return at the deadline. Also I didn't call you stupid, I called the idea stupid, two very different things and I'd like you to acknowledge that difference before you accuse me of things I didn't say.
  14. Spending 5M to see what you get at the deadline for someone you couldn't trade last deadline or during the offseason seems, well stupid.
  15. At the time Schoop was struggling and the Brewers added Villar as a condition of the trade. The Brewers traded a second baseman/SS for a more expensive second baseman/SS who had a year less team control and was having a down year. They also traded two other players with him. We have seen no recent evidence that teams covet Villar.
  16. They tried to trade him last July. The Brewers tried to trade him.
  17. Considering the lack of interest this offseason and last year at the deadline I don't think it is likely that he will have significant value.
  18. Like I said, the other teams have been helping pay for them. Now if they sign Cole in the offseason...
  19. They got money back in both of those deals. (34M reported)
  20. Which might mean trade us some International slots and we'll take his contract off your hands. Or pay half his remaining salary and we'll send you Jack Zoeller's less talented brother.
  21. I like how he just assumes Elias can find a trade partner. That worked out well last deadline and so far this offseason. The downside is you pay Villar 10M so you can win 56 games instead of 54.
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