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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. What proof do you offer that the effects of amphetamines are of a smaller impact?
  2. Steroids were being used before the 90's. I find it hilarious that some folks only have an issue with PEDs when they reached a certain level of efficiency.
  3. Players were using PEDs well before the late 90's.
  4. Nunez would sit, this isn't about winning games, it's about taking inventory.
  5. DH is always an option if you want to get a look at him against lefties.
  6. Can_of_corn

    DL Hall 2019

    Sorry, I did a quick search and was happy to have film. In the long run it isn't of significance since the poster I was talking to didn't specify a particular appearance, they were just talking quality of stuff.
  7. They did state they were going to add high tech cameras.
  8. That ball that Sisco hit last night sure carried a ton. Looked like shallow warning track off the bat.
  9. That would be why I decided to mention it. Seemed noteworthy.
  10. I don't find it offensive and haven't suggested that others stop.
  11. I hate to agree with Atomic but when the O's are 30 games back before the break I don't care what the Yankees do when the Orioles aren't playing them. I mean at some background static level of consciousness I'd prefer for them to lose but I'm not checking the boxscores and fist-pumping when it happens.
  12. Can_of_corn

    DL Hall 2019

    That isn't relevant to the question. In the future's game I posted the footage of Scott was throwing 100 and using a wipeout slider. Was Hall showing better stuff? I mean great if he was, really that would be great, but that was a dominant performance by Scott.
  13. Can_of_corn

    DL Hall 2019

    Did you see Scott in the futures game a year or two ago? (not sharpshooting you just trying to get a frame of reference)
  14. I don't get the obsession but sure if it will make you happy. Since I made an initial assessment that I later revised one of the two statements will prove to be wrong.
  15. You got to suspend him for this right?
  16. Funny how opinions can change over time when additional data is introduced. In the time between my initial comments and the signing period Elias made a number of statements on social media hyping J2. Showing off the shirts, making statements about not trading away any slots, stuff like that. I quite openly revised my expectations due to those comments. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? But you go ahead and keep worrying about me.
  17. OK? He said he had to get away from Buck in 2018. I didn't question the veracity of your statement.
  18. He also said Sisco had to get away from Buck.
  19. Much is overstating things a bit but yea, something to watch.
  20. No, I'm saying if you had a grudge against DD and PA there is no reason to continue the grudge once he's gone. What annoyed KLaw was when the O's fired a bunch of scouts, the people that did that are gone. As for who he was wrong on, he took Bundy off the O's top prospect list because he could only be a reliever. That was 100 or so starts ago. I'm guessing Bundy has been better than a few people that made his list.
  21. You can make a case that Law had an issue with Dan and ownership after they fired his scout buddies. Both Dan and PA are now out of the picture. Why would he have an issue with Elias?
  22. Acuna is a Brave and Vlad jr is a Jay. Wander Franco signed with the Rays.
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