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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'll be pleased if they can swing it.
  2. Two years before he hits free agency his agent was looking for 400M? Citation please. What I remember is the arbitration numbers the O's and Manny agreed to as being lower than I was expecting.
  3. Neither did Davis or Trumbo. You add together the Davis and Trumbo deals you think Manny bites? 7/161 + 3/37, so lets say 8/198. You think 25M a year while buying out a couple years of arbitration gets it done?
  4. It wouldn't have cost the O's 10/300 if they had acted early and if you were going to extend someone Manny was a much better choice than Davis.
  5. Do we know that Manny would have demanded 10/300 if the O's had tried to extend him two years before he hit free agency? If the O's had offered Manny the Davis deal in January 2016 would it have been a good starting point?
  6. I'd put Schoop over Tejada for arm strength (5 games in 2017).
  7. You guys have an issue with Floor Jansen?
  8. I don't watch much TV was it the #1 play on MLB channel and Sportscenter? Edit- MLB, CWS, Softball, MiLB but no Martin.
  9. I did say regular not fringe guy at the end of the bench.
  10. You didn't, Aceking did. I was replying to him and you jumped in. I was just circling back to my prior point.
  11. I don't think they are ever going to get to the point that they can predict that sort of thing. It's a blip.
  12. Do you think it's sustainable? Do you think he's going to be a ML regular in two seasons?
  13. I certainly remember reading a report of them being pleased he dumped the salary. That was back when it was looking like Dan might keep his job. But I will admit that report caused me to assume Dan was being directed to lower payroll instead of him choosing to dump salary instead of maximizing talent.
  14. I loved the way Sucre publicly berated his pitchers, that's leadership.
  15. Your earlier statement was: If he made such a play with the Orioles while playing Shortstop isn't relevant. He was certainly capable of doing so.
  16. This guy was an O who could make a play or two at short. https://www.mlb.com/news/manny-machado-excels-at-shortstop-for-padres
  17. It's a real nice play but never? I'm guessing at some point in his career Beckham has made a comparable play. Folks are acting like this belongs on an all time list of great plays instead of sportcenter.
  18. Probably earlier. As for the see what happens stuff? I was just referring to someone else suggesting that the O's are going to exceed their allotment. I wasn't suggesting that they won't spend their allotment.
  19. They instructed Dan to to accept less talent in return for dumping salary. They spent very little on International players. The team didn't even spend 1M on any additions to the ML team. Every data point we have points to it. Would you like to show me evidence supporting the idea that they want to spend heavily on the draft?
  20. I've seen no indications that the current ownership is interested in spending heavily on anything.
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