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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. You said AA. Why are you mentioning his velocity at 37? By the time he was 37 he had his own personal strike zone six inches wider than everyone else.
  2. Probably that a 92 (actually 93) MPH FB was pretty good back in 1986. What is it with people and their desire to revisionist history Maddux into someone that never had decent velocity?
  3. I'll take a strikeout over a non-run scoring weak ground ball double play any day of the week.
  4. I don't like guys getting picked off of first because it does more to lessen my team's chances of winning. I find it a better product when they score runs. If you find Villar getting picked off to be a better product than I am glad for you that he is on the team.
  5. You can be a good basestealer and not be that fast. Roberts wasn't that fast.
  6. Just grabbed my copy of The Book Leadoff guy of an inning, so no one on base, no outs. RE 0 outs, no one on base- .356 RE 1 out, no one on base- .182 ER 0 outs, runner on first- .704 So a strikeout to lead off an inning lowers run expectancy by .174 runs. A lone baserunner getting picked off with no outs lowers run expectancy by .522 runs. So yea, I'm going with it being worse.
  7. You average batter has an OBP of 323. That means more than two out of three times they don't make it to first base. That's the hard part of not making outs. To give that up to me is the greater sin.
  8. I'm going to say making an out after you already reached base is worse than making an out before reaching base.
  9. I'd rather watch Davis strike out than Villar get picked off.
  10. So you ignore data that doesn't agree with your preconceived notions. Got it.
  11. It is remarkable how he fixed his poor bat speed. He should talk to Davis.
  12. I'm saying that overall stolen bases are not very impactful.
  13. Keep in mind Law is worried about something in his delivery that no one else is worried about.
  14. How did those stolen bases work out for the Nats?
  15. As always, depends on how he hits. He hits enough the other stuff is forgiven. Now will be hit enough to be a starter on a contender? Probably not.
  16. I think Damon and post TJ Crawford were worse than Mullins.
  17. Right he doesn't throw well. To be honest to hear people here talk it is amazing he's ahead of five guys. I thought he was the worst thrower in the history of the game.
  18. Is that the first solo one since Tillman threw one against the Braves AAA team?
  19. The ball mostly. Of course I also favor stuff over finesse as a general rule.
  20. And all of a sudden their pitches don't break the same because the seams are different.
  21. I disagree. I do agree that I wouldn't do it with any starter now that AAA is using ML balls.
  22. I want him to use the major league balls in AAA.
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