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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. MLB isn't going to pay for that.
  2. If you think a second round pick that has made the majors can be considered a wasted pick you need to learn more about how the draft works.
  3. That's rich coming from Palmer. He's the poster boy for not trusting his catcher and calling his own game from the mound.
  4. I think a free for all already existed not that long ago and everyone was fine with it until the wrong guy broke the wrong record.
  5. I'm in the let them snort turpentine if they think it will help camp.
  6. I meant operations not product. Sorry I wasn't clear.
  7. I think Balco level stuff is out there.
  8. You don't think they are going to catch the smart ones do you?
  9. I think the problem is a lot worse in the other major sports. But yea, folks are always going to cheat, particularly with large sums of money at stake.
  10. I was (jokingly) implying that substance use may have been a factor, by picking the saddest excuse I could think of.
  11. You still have the guy that challenged the rest of the OH to an IQ test.
  12. A hair under slot even. I'm sure Elias is going to get a nice bonus for saving so much money. ?
  13. I overheard a guy earlier saying they would call the team the Montreal X-Rays.
  14. Neither team is building a new stadium for 22 games.
  15. No way the MLBPA signs off on this right? Would be a nightmare for players.
  16. I take it he's a starter that was working out of the pen? 98 2S/slider sounds like it would work out of the pen.
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