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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I would think that but... Steriods Sign Stealing Spider Tack MLB doesn't have a good track record in covering things up. Heck they even got caught serving up Judge Hot Balls. I'm quite sure the NBA/NFL/NHL had as big a steroid problem as MLB but did they have any real fallout?
  2. You have a history of trying to engage in hostile communications with me over the silliest of reasons. This would be an example of that. How is being Ohtani's employee the same as the well documented relationship between Ippei and Ohtani? It isn't. And yet you used it as an excuse to try and engage with me. Seriously, find anther hobby. I hear Legos are cool again.
  3. I don't understand the Japanese market enough to speak with competence but if this can be spun as him naively helping out a friend I can see him coming out even more popular.
  4. I thought Hyde only confirmed Adley and Gunnar as having made the team?
  5. I don't think MLB wants to make a big scene about it since they get so much money from sports betting. If it ends up just being a wire transfer for his friend I think the punishment is going to fall well short of "screwed". I'm guessing he'll plead out on the crime and end up with a fine and MLB will give him a short suspension. If he ends up actually being tied to gambling, yea, that will be a huge blow for MLB and if they have any sense (past history shows they don't) they will cover it up.
  6. Wow even by your standards this is stretch to try and find a reason to argue with me. The two are known to be very close, well beyond the usual employer/employee relationship. And no, I'm not accepting any of these stories as being the absolute truth.
  7. I don't think your average gambler is BFF with Ohtani. That probably bought him a lot of leeway. Mind you I'm sure there is more to come.
  8. That should have been your first sign to worry.
  9. Oh no, it was only 3 times last season, same as Gunnar.
  10. The real question is, with all the money that all the major sports are getting from gambling, how long can this relationship go on before it crashes in a spectacular fashion?
  11. MLB needs to take a lesson from the NBA. Ref in the NBA gets caught in a gambling scandal and they close ranks and don't help the FBI. Everyone pretty much forgets about it. MLB had players hitting on trash cans and somehow make it into a big deal. Anyway yea, I think Ohtani did a very stupid thing and paid off his buddy's debt without properly hiding where the money was coming from.
  12. I agreed that it wasn't a rational take. No need to fact check me.
  13. I'd rather not pick either him or McKenna. I want as many of the guys in Norfolk, that have been putting up numbers, in the majors as possible. I don't think there is enough value in a late inning stolen base threat to warrant a roster spot in today's game.
  14. I just don't think anyone should overlook the possible competitiveness of any other team. The O's can't just throw their jockstraps on the field and get the W.
  15. I bet a lot of teams saw the 2022 Orioles on the schedule and just assumed it would be a cakewalk.
  16. So? They still fit the criteria you outlined.
  17. I know if I had one position player to rely on in a late inning close game situation that I would not pick Mateo. I don't even think I'd pick him for a key stolen base, I'd be too worried he'd get himself picked off.
  18. Are pitchers not on the roster? I don't expect you to actually read what other posters say but I did think you might read what you say.
  19. Maybe those spring training numbers meant something?
  20. That's a much better response than actually trying to counter my points.
  21. He has as much value in those situations as Cano? Kimbrel? Did you know that one metric had an Oriole player as the most valuable baserunner in MLB last year? It wasn't Mateo...
  22. But the narratives we are hearing from the players is that offers are not being made. I'd also say that Arb 2 is not a better chance to sign him. I'd say the odds just get worse the closer a star player gets to free agency since the security of a long term deal is not worth as much.
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