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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The question I have is are they accurately valuing those pieces?
  2. Pretty sure no one is saying that we should just give the White Sox whatever. More like, hey, how about you stop hoarding guys that can't get out of AAA?
  3. So we end up with a glut of outfielders instead? Not sure how that is better.
  4. It's January 18th. Who isn't a Cy Young candidate?
  5. Yea, I think "most fans" are going to be happy enough with the guy with the higher rank in the top 100 list. Assuming they are paying attention at all. Any qualified GM should be able to put a good spin on getting the actual best return.
  6. Right, I wasn't talking about not making a deal at all. They also aren't making deals with teams that aren't "cursed" with really strong farm systems.
  7. You always struck me more as a Sk8er Boi kinda guy.
  8. To whom? If the #2 guy is ranked 95th and the #5 guy is ranked 90th you don't think that higher top 100 ranking carries more weight?
  9. I think a GM would have to be beyond incompetent for that to be true. Owner- Who's got the best offer on the table? GM- The Orioles have the best offer but they are willing to trade players A-D! Owner- But it's still the best offer right? GM- Sure...but.... Yea, doesn't check out. GM- Which is the best offer? Statguy- The Oriole's offer is the best choice. GM- But it doesn't include players A-D! Statguy- But the guys it does include are still superior to our needs than the other offers. GM- I don't care! We are taking the worse offer! Yea, doesn't check out.
  10. I don't put a ton of faith into what the writers at MLBTR say. I haven't checked in a while, do they have anyone on payroll that has any actual experience in that sort of thing? I know they used to be just a fan driven enterprise back in the day. I find it really hard to believe in this day and age a GM would turn down a superior offer from the O's because of who else they have in the system.
  11. Sure. Whatever. Just comments like "You almost always get more for pitchers at the deadline vs the offseason." are just not up to snuff in my opinion.
  12. But guys getting hurt and playing poorly are part of the equation. Just like relievers coming out of nowhere and jumping up from no value to good value is part of the equation. I think most teams would rather have two years of a solid performer than 1.5 years.
  13. And all the guys that get hurt or underperform aren't remembered. I'm not saying it might not be true but conventional wisdom has been wrong before.
  14. I doubt any evidence supports this claim.
  15. It's a big gamble that I wouldn't feel comfortable making. If he rebounds to Cy Young form they could get a higher price. If he doesn't the price goes down, and if he gets hurt they've screwed themselves.
  16. Even if the O's gave up what is rumored, which I think is a clear overpay, the cupboard wouldn't be bare.
  17. It's not my thing but I respect them going as heavy into prog as they did back in 1988.
  18. Don't often see the words Ponson and lean so close together.
  19. There was that whole issue with the Roberts bobblehead.
  20. I was just going off the parameters he set.
  21. Huh so Mountcastle was a stud his rookie season?
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