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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I don't think folks in this day and age are biased by the teams when they vote. As I stated earlier it's not as if the Yankees have been getting a lot of RoY winners in recent history. I think most voters start with looking at WAR and going from there.
  2. Hopefully they aren't just using folks in India to look at your basket.
  3. Because saying something was a lock when it goes against everything we've seen from Elias annoys me.
  4. You think he passes on Dylan Crews? A college outfielder? Saying Skenes would have been a lock has a whiff of hindsight.
  5. If Coby Mayo was a plus defensive center fielder instead of a marginal third baseman folks might feel differently about the situation.
  6. I think they got banned.
  7. Kinda late to do something now.
  8. I wonder how much is command and how much of it is him "not giving in"?
  9. I'm just questioning the math a bit. Runner on first steals second sure, he's on second. Runner on first, hitter gets a walk, runner ends up on second and you have a runner on first. Seems worse. I don't doubt the number your provided, I think it lacks a bit of context since it's dependent on other things happening (the hitter getting on base initially and the runner succeeding in his stolen base attempt). What's the expected run value of a stolen base attempt? Do they have that listed?
  10. Runner on first what would you rather have happen? The runner steal second. The batter reach first via walk.
  11. Kimbrel has been in the league for 15 years and you want him to make some adjustments? I'd rather he stop walking so many.
  12. But you need a baserunner to get the steal (in the vast majority of cases).
  13. Something can be both overrated and worth more than nothing.
  14. I think holding runners on is overrated. The goal should be keeping guys off base in the first place. Mostly when guys are on base I'd rather the pitcher spend most of his energy and focus on the hitter.
  15. Maybe? Relief pitchers are a volatile commodity. I'm sure we can look now and come up with a list of names that would have been an improvement, but how many of those names would have been on the list back on December 7th?
  16. I think he was the exact opposite of a panic signing. He was the safe move. No one is going to question bringing in Kimbrel as the caretaker closer on a one year commitment.
  17. I made my opinion clear when he was signed.
  18. If you need a guy up and ready when Kimbrel enters a game, Kimbrel needs to go.
  19. If Roy can spin something Mountcastle does in a negative light, he will.
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