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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Huh? If a guy known for his defense has an unforced error on defense it's OK to shrug it off but if a guy is on the team for his bat makes an unforced error on defense he should be held accountable? Is that what you are saying? Please explain that one to me. I'll wait.
  2. I wonder if it had happened to Mountcastle if those folks would still be shrugging it off?
  3. But did it cost the team the game? If you just drop the ball and it isn't the difference maker in the game it doesn't hit as hard. /s
  4. If the reason you are on the team is to catch the ball you need to catch the ball.
  5. And I thought it was tired.
  6. I think stuff like that has a shelf life of a season before it gets old.
  7. Fangraphs writes about blocking. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/lets-admire-some-of-the-best-blockers-in-baseball/
  8. I've got no idea, never had to look into it. I'm out of market so MLB.TV works great for me.
  9. Did not know that. NM, MASN will do it when MLB forces them to.
  10. What year did teams start streaming? Just add a decade to that and you'll have MASN's time table.
  11. I agree. I don't see Mountcastle ever having 36 errors in a season at first.
  12. He didn't miss many but the ones he did were impactful.
  13. I'm not promising to update this on a daily basis so if anyone wants to contribute, go right ahead.
  14. So if Grayson ends up disappointing it is all on him? Nothing on the team at all? They are faultless?
  15. There is blowing it up and there is razing it to the ground and salting the earth. I doubt the other candidates were coming in as hard with the cost cutting.
  16. Oh yea, O's attendance was pretty sad during the 70's. Baltimore is more of a football town.
  17. I'm starting to think the main reason Elias got the job is that his plan was built around slashing payroll to the bare bones as part of the rebuild. I think Angelos found that approach very appealing.
  18. I don't think he ever intended to open the books. I don't think he's that stupid.
  19. I just have a hard time blaming the outfield defense on the weather when both teams had to play in it and both teams had just come up from Florida.
  20. Did the Red Sox defense have similar issues?
  21. I haven't reached how yet, I'm still stuck on if.
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