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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. How would you go about creating an official list?
  2. You think the Royals are going to be sellers? Could use a clutch hitter like Adam Frazier.
  3. I think it's possible that he knows the O's aren't willing to sign a pitcher to the type of contract it would take to keep Burnes.
  4. They did a poor job at replacing him but he wasn't exactly tearing it up in Atlanta from 2015-2017. Really 2018 was the only quality season he had after he left Baltimore.
  5. And Nelson Cruz cost the Rangers a ring in the WS with his poor defense.
  6. You haven't even admitted to being wrong about me in this thread. I'll freely admit that Nelson Cruz was a good signing for the Mariners despite the bad process that went into it. If he has signed with the O's maybe they get a ring in 2016.
  7. I don't know dude. If he is a returning user he's someone that gets off on creating elaborate online personas to troll with. If this persona is legit he loves talking about himself way too much for us not to know who he used to be.
  8. I'm still trying to get over the fact that evidently I'm both over 60 and I rely on old school stats. I has no idea wOBA was old school these days.
  9. I don't want to get all "New School" on you but in 2014, the year in question, Cruz had an OPS+ of 137 and Pearce had an OPS+ of 157. Not only was his batting average and on base average higher, his slugging was higher. Are you so "old school" the only stat that matters to you is home runs?
  10. Are you drunk? Have you read my posts like, ever? Does anyone else here think I rely on old time stats? I think going ohh this 33 year old has figured it out, let's give him a lot of money is classic "old school" thinking. Also Steve Pearce was the O's best player in 2014, glad they didn't give him a long term contract off of that career season.
  11. So when a guy has a career year at 33 that's the one you want to sign to a long term deal? That's the correct move? When he's also been busted for PEDs?
  12. Super famous people don't just get shot randomly. Also funny you mention PEDs with Arod and not Ortiz, you don't think he was clean do you?
  13. You JUST said this Those are really recent contracts. Starting pitchers are not getting paid like they are irrelevant. No GM that is paying anyone is refusing to pay starting pitchers. Elias is paying Burnes ~16M.
  14. First off I don't think I said no circumstances. I would not have pushed back on him resigning for the 1/8 he made in 2014, so kindly don't put words in my mouth. Secondly, you do know that was literately the most *unlikely* aging curve in MLB history right? From someone that was busted for using PEDs. You can have good process and bad results and bad process with good results. Just because you get unlucky with a good process doesn't mean you switch to a bad process.
  15. The top seven MLB contracts by AAV includes six starting pitchers.
  16. One of them did steroids and the other did a drug dealer's wife.
  17. You got to get a surplus going so you can trade two of them for one season of a pitcher.
  18. Money for school can be included in these deals without impacting the spending cap.
  19. The 2008 Mariners lost over 100 games. I don't care how Bedard pitched, he wasn't going to fix that. He wasn't a piece to put them over the top because they weren't close enough to the top to begin with.
  20. First off, how's the bat only working out this year? Secondly I think that if he wasn't also a pitcher he'd be playing in the field. I bet he can play a pretty good outfield.
  21. I think the Dodgers turn a profit off the contract.
  22. Deferrals were Ohtani's idea.
  23. Do you think other teams really had a chance? Do you think he might actually gone to Toronto?
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