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Everything posted by Orioles4Life21

  1. Next we just need to get to 60-61 and then bring a cardboard cutout of Louis Angelos into the clubhouse to peel a section off with every win
  2. If this were Major League, I think we’d be at the “These guys ain’t so f***** bad” scene
  3. Let’s sweep the Angels, take 2 of 3 from the Rays, head into the break 45-45 and likely3 or so games out of the wild card. Then we’ll talk about buying.
  4. Dang I didn’t know this. I understand the arguments that a head to head tiebreaker makes more sense, but those game 163’s were so much fun to watch! Remember Twins-Tigers from 2009?? Lame move MLB.
  5. 98 pitches, 68 strikes. 14 K’s.
  6. I think Buck Britton is on a fast track to becoming a big league manager. But as others have said, Hyde deserves a chance to see this thing through.
  7. Is there any real evidence that inning limits work? Seriously wondering and would like to see some data.
  8. He staggered him big time actually. If Beltre hadn’t got in between, Odor may have been able to finish the knockout lol. Odor could have batted .000 for us this season and I would still love him just because of that.
  9. Have some faith my man. At 7 games out of the wild card I’d give us at least a .5% chance
  10. From 2015-2018 I attended 10 straight wins. I’d like to bring that kind of luck back lol.
  11. Well that’s 3 straight games I’ve been to where the offense gave me virtually nothing to cheer about all game. Bradish’s debut, Adley’s debut (stunk besides his triple), and tonight.
  12. Baseball is a frustrating sport. I totally understand Trey being upset that these balls aren’t leaving lol. Especially the ones that are gone in 29/30. Also, he’s smashing the ball and even if they aren’t leaving that’s still not something he should be focused on adjusting.
  13. Yes I do recall myself confidently projecting us to snap the losing streak in 2011 lol.
  14. I remember folks here back in 2011 who thought we were still a long way away from contending. Tony makes some very valid points, especially regarding the Angelos situation, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Aside from injuries and Adley’s slow start, I’ve been encouraged by what I’ve seen on the field this season. Hope we can take another leap next season.
  15. I saw it in 4DX. Moving seats, wind, mist, snow.. It was awesome
  16. Look out MLB, the kid is heating up.
  17. Just finished it and I loved it! I can relate to your story a lot as a 20 something living in Northern VA (Warrenton) still looking to find my place at least in terms of work (Real estate is the latest place I'm looking). Of course I can relate to the intense love of the Orioles as well. The way you reminisce about the '97 team is a lot like how I reminisce about the '12 and '14 teams.
  18. I long for the days of Joe Angel
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