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Everything posted by Orioles4Life21

  1. Just ordered your book! Can’t wait to get it on Monday hopefully.
  2. Yea I sorely miss the programs and Orioles magazines, which were also cut out.
  3. I have worked with Trackman a lot and can tell you it has faults. Especially in terms of the north/south dimensions of the strike zone.
  4. I'm also open to a compromise like allowing a team to challenge a B/S call maybe once a game, or have NY buzz in to change a crucial call.
  5. I think the proper solution is to punish/demote the umps that we all know suck. (Bucknor, Diaz, Hernandez, etc.)
  6. Hate this. Sacrilege. not everything has to be perfect and btw, it won’t be lol.
  7. I'm firmly against an automated zone. #1 reason being that catcher presentation/framing is an integral part of what makes a good catcher. Some catchers have made a living off of that skill.
  8. Not sure if it’s been announced, but G Rod will start Wednesday.
  9. Yea I think Akron has the better team at this point but anything can happen in a 5 game series. Especially with Bowie hosting the first two. Also I believe they match up better with Akron than they do Somerset.
  10. Oops meant to respond to wildcard.
  11. Bowie may be covered in the outfield between Welk (who has been playing some LF), Watson, Rizer, and Fontana. Oh and Vavra who has been playing 2nd since his return but can play OF as well.
  12. Yes third. If they cut it off you get in a run down, get the trail runner to second and we got a run. These are the little things that we are lacking as a club. Granted we are lacking a lot of big things as well ?
  13. Man I will never forget that summer of ‘13, even though the team wasn’t as good as ‘12 or ‘14. Thanks for the memories Chris.
  14. His change is a splitter and yea it’s a gross combo with the 100mph fastball lol
  15. Interestingly enough I just looked at the place where I first found this out and Towers’ season isn’t even listed anymore. Was 140 innings not enough to qualify? https://www.baseball-reference.com/teams/BAL/leaders_pitch_season.shtml
  16. Fun fact: Josh Towers has the best single season BB/9 mark in Orioles history. He walked 16 guys in 140.1 innings in his 2001 rookie season for a BB/9 mark of 1.0.
  17. You hit me with a “everybody knew that” when I just provided more context to your original reply but ok sir you got it
  18. You’re the only one who knew he has a high walk rate then? Seemed more like you’re writing him off without the full context of how he’s performed.
  19. You forgot to mention that he punches out 17 per 9 and gave up 2 whole hits in those 13.1 innings. Im not crowning him yet I’m just saying he has shown dominant stuff and nobody is talking about him. I’ve seen every outing up close. He’s impressive.
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