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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. I would assume that Elias doesn't like Austin Martin and wouldn't have taken Martin, Woods Richardson for Means. But that is quite the haul. I'd be much more open to trading Means now...
  2. Wow. Twins got Austin Martin plus from Toronto for Berrios.
  3. Not surprisingly, Pat Valaika's spot remains safe and sound. Thank goodness we have his defense at second over Jones, though.
  4. Tanner Scott is one of the last things I am concerned about with the 2021 Orioles.
  5. This is where I'm at. Yes, his defense is bad, but it's not it matters if the Orioles win games or not, so bad defense from him won't be that damaging. May as well get his feet wet, let him face MLB pitching, and let him work with the MLB coaches to improve his defense.
  6. Well yea... the team is horrible.
  7. Oh you know... because JaHmAi JoNeS iSn'T rEaDy YeT.
  8. What? It's well known that this is a painful injury. https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/turf-toe-symptoms-causes-and-treatments#1
  9. But but but... we have sooooo much to gain from keeping Valaika at second instead and letting Jones continue to rake in Norfolk and not get experience up here!
  10. That is indeed what it looks like. At least last year, they went overslot and got some good players at the end.
  11. Is he a 23 year old tall college senior right hander? No? Then of course they won't take him, even though everyone and their mother had him ranked higher than every single pick the Orioles have made today.
  12. This draft is indefensible, unless something crazy comes out of left field. Completely and utterly pathetic.
  13. LOL. Good thinkg we didn't take him in the 18 prior rounds!
  14. And if they want an outfielder - why not take Will Taylor?
  15. Very impressive. And as a college bat at 22, he could and should move quickly. Hopefully will end the season at Bowie and make a contribution to the Orioles sometime next year.
  16. Not that it's a terrible thing, but they have an awful lot of outfielders for the contending window: Mullins, Hays, Haskin, Kjerstad, Cowser, Stowers, and potentially still Diaz/Stewart/Santander/McKenna.
  17. Right... I want to take ME at his word that Cowser was their guy no matter what - but I can't, when everyone and their mother had Lawlar and others ahead of him.
  18. I was very disappointed Lawler wasn't the pick at 5. I was surprised he got by the Tigers, and when I saw that either he or Mayer would be available at five, I was really hopeful the O's would take one of them.
  19. May as well. The rotation currently includes Eshelmann and Harvey--two of the worst starting pitching options imaginable (that's not really hyperbole). And then it has... checks notes... Jorge Lopez, Spenser Watkins, and a random opener? Yes, anyone who is pitching well in AAA, and who had a pedigree like Wells, should be getting starts with the Orioles
  20. Good post. It did seem silly at first, but there are some legs to it. MY hope is that Hays improves with the bat and consistently OPS at or real close to .800, and Jones/Vavra battle it out for second base.
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