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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. He is athletic, solid seeker game, very good at catching the snitch. Competes well against higher end competition such as Draco Malfoy. Trained with Viktor Krum in the offseason... Plays well with Ron Weasley as keeper.
  2. You don't like when he closes his eyes and strikes out on three pitches, the third of which being a slider or changeup that he waved at like Harry Potter?
  3. Good post and I agree. I'm pretty high on him, so would love to at least get a taste of how his stuff plays in MLB. Hoping he is a solid #3 for us whenever we are competitive.
  4. Any chance he gets a cup of coffee in September?
  5. Today @ Richmond: 5 scoreless innings, 10 Ks. ERA at 2.98. Awesome awesome.
  6. Continuing to watch for Santander and to a lesser extent Mancini, Nunez, and Sisco.
  7. Nitpicking here, but a lot more fly outs than ground outs. Great start though, hoping to see him as a rotation fixture by mid 2020.
  8. Plus, he isn't really one dimensional; that implies that he just hits for power. However, Mancini has a .364 OBP as well. I understand the limitatiosn with him at the deadline, but he is an impact bat that will be cheap and controllable for three more years. That has to have more than negligible value.
  9. Who the hell is this guy Cy Bundy? For the record, eddie83 was 100% correct on that one.
  10. Villar seems like a solid pick up too, especially if they can turn him into something. We were all underwhelmed by the Gausman trade, so no surprises there.
  11. It's been ten months though (and what, four months of actual baseball?). Everyone on here, including you, knew that we would not be able to fully evaluate the success of the 2018 sell off until years later.
  12. Agreed. I think Kremer will be just fine. The K numbers are there for sure. I am hoping he is a mid-rotation starter when the Orioles' rebuild has hopefully paid off.
  13. LOL. From one Andrew to another, great minds. What a terrible, illogical post by atomic.
  14. Sorry, but this is such a ridiculous post. It has been 10 months since the Orioles traded Machado, Gausman, and Britton. By many accounts, Kremer has looked good, looked good last year, and has had two poor starts in Bowie after missing most of Spring Training. As Drungo pointed out in another thread, your obsession with being contrarian is growing tired. It is absurd to suggest that the Orioles got nothing in their trade of TEN MONTHS after the trades happened. ABSURD.
  15. I agree with everything in your post and I like your handle a lot.
  16. You're probably right, which is fine until Hays is ready. But Broxton is 29 years old and does not walk a ton. He appears to be a solid fourth outfield type or a guy that can fill in in a pinch for an injury, but I don't see him as the long-term option (especially not over Hays). But I agree he will get a long look this year.
  17. Really hoping Hays can claim the CF job by the middle of the summer.
  18. You're not objective. You are negative every opportunity you get. Mancini is a solid player who could net a solid return with his years of control left. You don't come off as objective when everything you say is negative. No one is impressed.
  19. (meant to quote Can of Corn's post about shame he can't DH or play 1st... Sorry Tony )
  20. Hahaha. That Mancini, he can ONLY play outfield! Can't let him take at bats away from Davis and Nunez!
  21. Agreed. With Ruiz, Cashner, Villar and Severino clocking in as "decent things about this season so far."
  22. Sold hits last night. Loved how he smoked two to the right center gap. Average defense and an OPS over .750 would be just fine for next year.
  23. Keep him, trade him, whatever they do, he is a breath of fresh air to watch. We haven't had a player like him since Good B-Rob. He knows how to work a count, steals bases, has energy. Polar opposite from Schoop.
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