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Everything posted by Yardball85

  1. A) Surprising on Santana for a rebuilding team. B) Could the Orioles have interest? (Answering my own question, probably only if they get rid of Davis).
  2. Same. And not at MM's natural position. I get that MM is more of a "thumper" than Vilar, but a four year commitment to a guy whoo has primarily played 3B his entire career is very questionable, especially when you could get Villar at 1 year 10 for *likely* a small price (prospect between 20 and 30?)
  3. Spot on. Agreed 100%. Would require thinking outside the box, which the Orioles have actually shown the ability to do before (free kids tickets).
  4. That's my thinking too. That being said, I am surprised no one (seemingly) wants to take a one year shot on Villar for $10M.
  5. Profar traded to the Padres. Like Villar, he's in his last year of control. Numbers weren't as good last year, though he'll be significantly cheaper.
  6. Right, I understand that. The payroll, outside of Davis, should be so incredibly low that paying $10M to a 4 WAR player should not be so terrible.
  7. I disagree. What is the harm in paying him $10M (or less) and letting him stay for one more year? We have no middle infield prospects whatsoever, so he would not be blocking anyone. Worst case scenario, he isn't as good as last year and you have him on your team for a meaningless season. Best case scenario he plays great and an injury to a contender makes a contender trade for him.
  8. Roch gonna Roch. I like him, but the Orioles must tell him next to nothing about player management type stuff.
  9. If the Orioles could trade Bundy for Abrams, I'd be shocked if a single person on here would say no.
  10. 2012 was pure magic. Gonna be hard to beat, outside of a future World Series.
  11. Andino in 2011 has to rank somewhere up there as well, even though it was a losing season.
  12. Great thread, always fun to look back on a decade and get some perspective. Interesting/cool that three of the major contributors - Davis, Jones, and Tillman - were acquired when the Orioles were "sellers." Hoping some of the pieces we got at the 2018 trade off (Kremer, Diaz, Bannon, Zimmermann, Tate(?)) can be on this list at the end of 2029.
  13. Hahaha. There's gotta be a Richie "Ricky" Martin and Jose "Enrique" Iglesias joke in here somewhere too.
  14. I probably wouldn't give him a mutli-year deal, but it's not ridiculous to expect a decent return for him (one player from a team's top ten prospects and one from their top 20). If you don't get the return, you tender him and hope you can deal him at the deadline.
  15. That is a very good comparison. I loved Miggy, he was the ultimate "cold-killer." Pitched great at Yankee Stadium too, playoffs included.
  16. Luke - does the fact that Bannon is facing AAA pitching (ostensibly better than AA) affect your analysis?
  17. Got you. Thanks Luke.
  18. Good stuff! Luke-OH, have you watched any of Rylan's at bats in Norfolk? Do you see anything different, or is it just a SSS and good luck streak?
  19. SSS, but real nice start for Bannon in AAA. 15-45 at the plate, two doubles today, homered last night, OPS in the mid .800s. Need him to start walking down there, but he could play himself into the conversation for 2020 with a good finish in Norfolk. Still young, too.
  20. This. 20 home runs, OPS over .800, and lots of steals. But he's gonna be on the downside of his career most likely when we are competing again. He should have some value in the off-season for a team looking for an average to slightly above average second baseman, which hopefully can lead the Orioles to two of a team's top 30 prospects or so.
  21. 5-5. Dang.... Hopefully we can get back to the consistency we saw throughout July and early August.
  22. Because Kremer's development is more important than Bowie's playoff run.
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