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Everything posted by Ridgway22

  1. No way to know, but really curious about the connection or not-connection to the ownership deal being announced..... would this have happened otherwise?
  2. Tonight, there will be quality adult beverages served to spouse and guests that is normally reserved for Cowboys losses and the day the Yankees season ends. The crack of dawn.... coming up over a young, exciting, and talented team, of which their agents are sharpening pencils and perusing the Robb Report....... Praise Baby Cheeses!
  3. I really, really hope you poured one too many of the good stuff this fine December eve, in anticipation of holiday cheer, because that will give you reasonable cover. I'm only halfway through this thread, and you've generated excess cringe value. If cringe could be express as Cwar, you've generated 2.8 in a very short cup of coffee. It's always interesting how people who don't have money are experts on how people with money are / were / will be.
  4. Cannot disagree with this. As of tonight, top three regular season teams in baseball are 1-8, including 1-5 at home. Something ain't right. You play 5+ months under one set of rules that gives rare days off, then in the postseason, completely different scheduling, where teams sitting around for a week are suddenly forced into a best of 5 with a team that just won, at a minimum, 2 of 3. If they're going to keep this format, get rid of the days off before and after the best of 3. Hunger games!
  5. My wish is for Tampa Bay and Texas to have a wonderful, competitive 3 game series that results in a Texas win in game 3, a 21 inning 24-23 thriller.
  6. Well, damn it. I was hoping against hope for a miracle and him to be added to the playoff roster. Alas.
  7. Bradish, GRod, Means heading a post season rotation with Kremer is looking mighty appealing about right now. I wouldn't dared to have imagined Means coming back this strong.
  8. The tank job was unsavory, and it was intentional. Was it against the rules? NO. Was it effective? My hangover from last night says YES.
  9. I've really grown from being ambivalent to enjoying watching and having Santander on the team. I'm afraid he might turn out to be of those guys you don't really appreciate until he's gone.
  10. Today, and it's like making a pronouncement when you're buzzed on your first really good tequila, but yes, I think this is the best tequila, errrrrr, general manager of at least the duration of my fandom.
  11. And savoring it, I am...... Wow, what a year..... It feels weird to not be afraid of any team in the Major Leagues. Tor or TB? Don't care, bring 'em on.
  12. Have tickets along the 3rd base line, taking Mom, who's a big Dodger fan. Always ask her about 1966, I was four years old, gosh, Mom, what happened in that world series? (Then I duck)
  13. Okay, the voice of the Tides PBP announcer. I'm not going to say anything else, because my Momma......
  14. Does anyone know, if the Tides win tonight, who the Home team would be Saturday in the "Championship" game?
  15. I voted AR, there is a gap between him and Gunnar stat-wise, but as a former pitcher, I am biased towards great catchers. They impact the game in ways that don't show up in a box score. That said, glad we have them both.
  16. This post just brings home the very satisfying feeling of having several excellent choices, all with brightly Orange colored, team controlled futures......
  17. Let's go Tides! I want to see Jax, Mayo, Norby and the Boyz in person on Saturday.
  18. I strongly disagree with this statement. He is providing end-of-the-bench excellence. Strong shortstop defense and speed. And he leads team with 5 sac bunts. His bat is not zero against lefties. (Did I seriously just respond to a post from July? Yes. Apparently I did.)
  19. Beautiful, Roy. Thanks for sharing. So hard to imagine the racial hardships and prejudices back then, even for celebrities. I spent ages 8-13 (1970-1975) on Naval Bases in Japan, and never was exposed to racial tensions until we moved back to Southern California in 1975 and I started in public schools. PS, Reason I'm an Orioles fan is I saw them play in Tokyo, Japan against the Tokyo Giants on their tour after the 1971 World Series, first professional baseball game I ever saw. I was hooked. PS2, there is a book called "Black and Blue" that goes into that era of Orioles baseball much more in-depth, including the off-field hardships faced by some of the players.
  20. That is interesting, because unless I'm wrong, I thought Diaz was considered an excellent defensive 1B..... If we can clinch soonest, maybe Coby gets a couple games at the end of the season. It's fun to be talking about this stuff, imagination stirring, indeed.
  21. Dang it, Tides, need you to win this series so I can see you play out here in Vegas on Saturday!
  22. Oh, no, no, no........ The world was a better place with that man in it. This makes me so sad. Thoughts and Prayers, Roy.
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