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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. he should be coming up, be utterly stupid if he wasnt at this point. However I am fully prepared for them to go full Orioles and have him only pitch 4 innings while giving up a couple runs and then they send him right back down
  2. huh? I mean a Means surgery will be another excuse used this offseason to not sign any free agents next year.
  3. I mean I can easily see this as another excuse not to spend money.
  4. Its Mike Elias so probably 2 years
  5. Will be utterly stupid that he will be 24 1/2 when he is most likely called up. Man I wonder how good Vlad Jr will be when he is Adleys age
  6. Just get the surgery now so he can come back by early May next year, which with Father Time in charge late is July.
  7. Pft all we hear is he is "progressing' and playing catch. I feel like it will still be 2 weeks until he is in Norfolk. Then probably another 3 weeks down there.
  8. I like how all winter he has been on the prospects will come up and the team wont look the same by summer, and now here is he saying well they could easily not be up at all. it feels like all our local writers and elias seem to care about is keep guys down just so we can keep harping on the number 1 or whatever farm system. Unless someone is injured they all need to be up
  9. We should sticky this thread. This will be cool to track all year
  10. Dont worry we have Matt Harvey to save us. And Grayson Rodriguez in July but only for 3 innings at a time
  11. Welp see you in July Means. Im glad all Elias signed all that pic-thing depth
  12. I remember I said 2 weeks ago I can't wait for the piss poor excuses for the shortened spring. Here is probably another for taking Means out
  13. Yea I am getting a little worried about lack of updates other then "progressing" or "baseball activities" which is a fancy term for he played catch for 10 mins yesterday
  14. More they slow roll guys the longer we can claim number one farm system and be two years away from being two years away
  15. Where is he starting the year? I don't see him on any of the minor league lists?
  16. Where is DL hall on any of these lists? or am I missing him somehow
  17. I don't mind the rehab in AAA before he comes up, its more of the worry that in a week or two we will be reading the same that he isn't ready for games and is still hitting off a tee and light throwing but progressing nicely.
  18. Ugh, matter of weeks. I thought he was progressing well and hitting and throwing. I hope this isn't the classic Orioles case of saying a guy will be out longer then they originally say. I still fear this snowballs and in a week from now its the same thing and weeks turns to a month.
  19. Seems odd for a team that constantly bitches and moans that they need arms to be trading them off the ML roster.
  20. When did the language change from Opener to Tandem starter?
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