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Everything posted by seak05

  1. Anything anyone ever does has trade-offs., and baseball is no exception. Going from 60 - 75 wins is multiple players on multi-year contracts. At some point that would potentially mean blocking prospects. It also would mean not getting as good of prospects in the draft that could help you in a few years. Even the Yankees have trade-offs. At some point you start to value the short term and trade-off the long term, but the Orioles are probably a year away from that conversation.
  2. Because the product still wouldn't be good, it would just be slightly less bad. And for that slightly less bad, you're losing draft position and pool money. The Orioles have two ML SP around to help the young prospects, and they signed a catcher to presumably do the same for Adley.
  3. The orioles could have spent 30m this winter and they'd still be predicted to finish last in the AL east by a lot. To be competitive they'd have to have bought most of a ML roster this offseason. I want to see the Orioles win, but I don't need them to spend money to lose. Theoretically and hopefully, you'll start to see real talented players emerge from the minors this year. At that point they should start to spend to supplement ie if you have Means, Rodriguez, Hall, you can get one more starter, and a couple bullpen guys
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if Gutierrez and Urias were the starting lf of the infield on opening day, Santander is also in the lineup today. McKenna will probably be on the roster Mountcastle, Mancini, Hays, and Mullins played yesterday. The only likely position player starters we haven't seen yet are Odor and Chirinos
  5. Tony curious if you think Vavra or Ortiz make it to baltimore this year. They're both a little older (and Vavra is already on 40 man). Vavra at least seems to be getting decent amount of playing time Also, tbh, I prefer watching the prospects anyways
  6. There is logic to the orioles not spending on the major league roster The lack of travel for broadcasters though is just cheap, and shows how little they care about the fans. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not even a large cost
  7. Does this seem accurate? ortiz is a major league SS defensively, but might not have the bat westburg is a fringe major league SS defensively due to arm strength, but should have the bat Henderson has potential major league SS tools in terms of range and arm strength, but needs to improve hands/accuracy to stick. And should have the bat (so highest ceiling, but also most likely to have to move out of MI)
  8. If you don’t want to go the ziplock bag route, something like this should fit the requirement https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiLsJ6Wx9T2AhWKr8gKHbYWAb8YABAIGgJxdQ&ae=2&sig=AOD64_3R8UF0Tz9uLJgW4cMXNUAVgKd6kg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjXsJSWx9T2AhXipnIEHd5QCUYQwg96BAgBEEE&dct=1&adurl=
  9. Literally a minor league franchise in every way. Heck if Rodriguez, Hall, and Adley all start in Norfolk, I’m not sure the major league team wins the three game series
  10. How many current Orioles (on the presumed 25 man opening day roster) do you think would start (or play a large role) for a team that is a serious playoff contender this year? I'll say Means, Mullins, maybe Mancini/Mountcastle
  11. First baseman other then Eddie have existed in the last 30 years. Nelson Cruz just got a new contract at 40. You can sign someone, and they get hurt immediately to, any contract has a risk. But I would bet that over the course of the next 6 years Freeman produces more then 24 WAR (and that number would be lower if the cost of a WAR increases). The Braves meanwhile gave an 8 year contract to a player who, while younger, has also not produced nearly as consistently, and will be on he other side of 30 for the majority of the contract.
  12. Given the final numbers in the Freeman deal, one would somewhat conclude the Braves didn’t really want him back
  13. Here is an academic article on why hamstring injuries are so common in sports. 2 key takeaways 1) hamstring injuries in young in-shape athletes aren’t rare (they are in fact common) 2) current “best practices” in training might not be the best for preventing hamstring injuries https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2021.586624/full
  14. It sucks, and its frustrating. And it especially sucks when Heston also got injured. But the Orioles minor leagues went relatively unscathed last year. Sometimes it's just bad luck
  15. This would be my preferred defensive arrangement to be honest I don’t think the orioles have a major league short stop on the roster
  16. If that's true, mad props to Roch...and shame on masn
  17. Glad MASN sent someone down, not like it's their job to cover the team or anything.
  18. I agree with this. I would prefer the Orioles not be the worst team in baseball again. Given the Orioles current lack of payroll, I would prefer to overpay slightly to get some mid-level talent here on short deals vs giving up prospects.
  19. So O's have 9 IF on 40 man (Mateo is listed as OF but I counted him as IF), and invited 3 IF. I'm pretty surprised that none of Grenier, Westbrook, or Prieto was invited to big league camp
  20. Mateo has more offensive upside, but in SSS last year at short he was -2 OAA. I think that type of defense at a crucial position hurts pitcher development. The two were roughly equivalent in WAR last year (.6 v .5) I don't love Torreyes, I'm just not sure what else is available...and I am opposed to Mateo being the opening day SS. Maybe I'm overreacting to a small sample size and he will be better defensively then he was.
  21. We're roughly the same age, and at 20 I knew more then enough not to say or agree with or like anything even remotely like that tweet. I currently teach teenagers....and they're all well aware that you should not stay stuff like that, but as teens they also sometimes say stupid things. When called on it, they at least tend to recognize the error enough to apologize. I don't think removing from the 40 man roster, which is a professional consequence, is akin to removing from polite society. If I had liked that tweet at 20, and it came out now, I would certainly face questions (which is the max that most of us are advocating for anyways).
  22. What's your reasoning (genuinely curious)? His defense at SS last year was terrible, and he's going to be 27 in June.
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