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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I’ll be happy with either outcome.
  2. Wow, if he was “truly terrible” at 5.76 ERA what was Harvey, Akin or any other Oriole’s pitcher not named Means?
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/413684-you-must-be-this-tall-to-dominate-mlb-the-12-best-pitchers-ever-u.amp.html I don’t think it matters much. Good pitchers are good at pitching. Size matters to a degree, but I’d rather have the most athletic guy who can also pitch.
  4. I’m not excited AS much, but let’s face it, it’s baseball. That’s always better than the alternatives.
  5. Stewart is a bad fielder and his walk rate is his only redeemable quality. McKenna is their best option in the OF after the starters. There are other players who should be cut before Stewart, but I’m not going out of my way to keep him.
  6. I have no idea why they would protect Stewart at this point.
  7. Of course they know. Manfred has been there for all of it, too.
  8. Bassitt stated that the Astros were not the only team “doing stuff” to advance their play in that last couple years. The hurler explained how illegal sign-stealing has been an issue league wide as well.
  9. What a turnaround! Really a pleasure watching Alvarez hit.
  10. Hmm, not so sure. I think there’s a fair amount of expectations that his regular production is approaching this past season. I’m nowhere near as optimistic. It’s why I’d be in favor of moving him.
  11. Generally, when a guy can get two consecutive outs. It’s the Orioles.
  12. Awesome. Hasn’t played a ML inning yet and he’s already destined for the HOF.
  13. Am I the only one who thinks Mullins is due to regress?
  14. ERod would be a positive addition. Not the headliner I’m looking for, but he’d be a contributor.
  15. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2021/10/daniels-rangers-willing-to-consider-long-term-free-agent-contracts-this-winter.html Does the willingness of Texas to sign a FA to a long term deal put the onus on the Orioles? They weren’t much better than Baltimore and they now have approval from ownership to target some high profile talent.
  16. I’d prefer Stroman to Price, but I’m not sure either is a possibility.
  17. Melewski’s take on FA pitchers. https://www.masnsports.com/steve-melewski/2021/10/never-too-soon-to-talk-free-agent-pitchers.html Blah
  18. They let the previous game get away from them, but they’re looking good.
  19. Yeah, pretty impressive inning the Stros had to make it a blowout.
  20. Yeah, so I’ve held off telling the story about my interaction w/ Jones, but he’s no longer an Oriole, so.... I posted years ago about a hitting clinic he held at SDSU w/ Harold Reynolds. It was a fun time for me and my daughters taking a road trip from Los Angeles. After the clinic was over we, of course, went to see about getting something signed or a picture. We waited patiently as he signed for a number of people and then I approached him to get a picture of him and my girls. He started to lineup to do so and then balked at the idea, saying it would take too much time, at which the expressions of my kids faces visibly dropped. Disappointing to say the least, but I explained it away with some such fatherly bs. I never mentioned it in the thread about our trip because I knew there would likely be disbelief or outright anger for me calling out an Oriole player, especially Jones. After all these years, it wasn't a huge deal, but yes, I lost respect for him. As far as I know, Palmer has always been great with not only fans, but going out of his way to be available for them. There’s also no one else I’d rather listen to call a game than Jim Palmer. His stories are part of that.
  21. My friend wants Boone replaced with Buck Showalter. ?
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