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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. And his velocity was up today. He’s reliant on command of both the FB and CH. His FIP is 4.75 and BABIP is .236. So, regression is built in. I want to say if the right offer came along I’d trade him, but even if he’s a MOR guy, on this team he has value.
  2. Ha, he sure showed you! It’s down to 7.92 now. Down, lol.
  3. I don’t think he is, but I like Mateo at 2B. I think it was JP who commented on Mateo having a strong arm after turning a DP, but his arm doesn’t look as good at SS. Still, overall I’d say he’s more sure-handed than Martin in an admittedly SSS.
  4. He’s not playing this year (mistake) at Vandy or any other league, as of now, but he wouldn’t be going 1-1 anyway. He might be a good value after number 10, though. Some team will take a shot on him before the second round.
  5. That’s good to hear, especially from the competition. Hopefully, Hall picks up where he left off.
  6. Well, can’t say it makes them worth watching, but it’s something.
  7. I don’t know if an owner showing up to watch their team speaks to their overall involvement or interest in that team winning. However, could it hurt? The fan base in Baltimore has dealt with their father’s mismanagement for years. Is it too much to ask that the current owners show some interest to indicate to the fan base they’re headed in a different direction? Maybe it’s just me, or you.
  8. What??? In the Angels thread you had asked if anyone wanted the tix. Glad to see you came to your senses. Ohtani may be the most exciting player in baseball. You might get to see a guy hit a HR, steal a base and also pitch at a high level.
  9. Agreed. He has the athleticism to make a spectacular play, but often blows a routine play. Don’t like his approach at the plate, he looks uncomfortable and stiff in his stance.
  10. Looked good his first time outta the pen with a couple strike outs and only allowed a weak IF hit on a pretty good pitch.
  11. Yup, this where I’m at. What good GM doesn’t want to improve the team by spending some money on meaningful acquisitions? You can’t put together a winner solely by building the farm. We don’t know if he has financial constraints, but it wouldn’t shock me to find out he does.
  12. Sulser, Tate, Scott, Fry, Harvey. Don’t laugh, all these guys have been tried in high leverage.
  13. Plenty of good signs, but the one that remains is the topic you’ve posted. I’ll believe it when I see it.
  14. Wells, but I agree. Lopez might thrive in that situation and his FB could play up. He’s already sitting 95-96 touching 97-98. And maybe that expedites them getting Wells a shot to start. Great time to try different things.
  15. They have a hold on the number one pick. Who cares about winning ball games?
  16. True, but Diplan at least has a decent FB at times so hitters can’t sit on the off speed stuff.
  17. Il BuonO

    Alex Wells 2021

    Could be he gets one now with Lopez going to the pen. Although, I thought I heard Ellis was getting a shot. My problem with Wells is his stuff isn’t very good, so he has to nibble and that’s why his walks are up compared to Norfolk.
  18. Mediocre outing tonight, but kept them in the game. Since his first start after the AS break (six starts, 37.1 IP) he’s had a 2.18 ERA.
  19. Palmer said Hyde had said he needed to get Wells into the game tonight. What was the reasoning for not bringing him in to start the 9th?
  20. Did I hear Garceau say the ball Martin booted was NOT called an error?
  21. Palmer has been broadcasting longer than Means has been alive.
  22. He’s not someone I blog about in response to answering a question regarding the lack of organizational pitching depth. He’s filler at best.
  23. I don’t think you do. It's a combination. I think people are overestimating the time line though. Elias was hired late of 2018 and 2020 was a wasted year of development for most players. But getting the MiL system to a #2 ranking is no small achievement considering where this franchise was when Elias was hired. Getting K Perez and developing a Latin American presence will eventually pay dividends. The Orioles were not competitive with these things so I don’t expect the same turnaround the Astros had. Getting rid of Davis with one year remaining is progress. Rutschman and Rodriguez won’t be up right away next year and no one has a clue where the CBA is headed. There are too many known-unknowns headed into next season. They should sign someone who can move the needle, but will they? I trust Elias, but the name of the majority ownership hasn’t changed. When it comes to signing FA Elias may well be constrained. We shall see. And until I see it happen I won’t feel at ease about where they’re headed.
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