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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. I think most would, but even you don’t seriously consider that as a real possibility, do you?
  2. I think it’s hurting Mancini. He already looks to be in his head and he’s been visibly frustrated many times this season. Someone explain how it helps. Or, Davis snapping a bat over his knee during one of his prolific slumps. How about hitting yourself in the head with a bat?
  3. That was my point. The claim has been made of other players who don’t show ‘enough’ emotion. It’s a ridiculous assertion and Markakis is an example of someone who gives max effort while not losing control whenever things are bad.
  4. Yeah, pretty even keel. Very rarely saw him visibly upset. Of course, on this board some people would accuse him of not caring enough.
  5. Grich should be in. I don’t care if Smith never gets in, disagreeable jerk. Still friends with Reggie Jr. though.
  6. I noted in the GT his hands are lower (they were above his head). I had made similar suggestions, but it must have been Anderson’s rapport that made the difference. (Or, you know, the fact I don’t hold an official capacity with the team.) His hands were higher before and it takes a while for him to load. But I didn’t see that much of a difference. The HR came when he was ahead in the count and on a ball left out over the plate.
  7. Hmm, I don’t think we’re on the same page.
  8. Well, I would hope they could present it in such a way where he would realize it’s in his best interest. But if does say no, I wouldn’t feel the need to keep it a secret.
  9. Accepting an assignment and being forced are two completely different things. Do we know he’s even been asked? It would obviously be better for the team and it might be better for Davis in the long run. If the rule is a “player can’t be sent down without his permission”, then as long as he’s willing there isn’t a problem and not a whole lot the MLBPA can do about it if the player accepts the assignment. If he had been approached about such a move and declined I’m sure we’d have heard something about it. In my mind, it wouldn’t be smart for him to fight an assignment as he goes into historically bad levels of production. He would lose most fan support and likely be labeled a problem. Now, of course that’s where the MLBPA could step in and make the case, but without some evidence the team was trying to force his hand I don’t see it going very far. As has been noted, there were warning signs the team ignored. It doesn’t really matter now who ok’d the deal, as long as they’ve learned the lesson. Of course, with the Orioles, that’s always up for debate.
  10. Too late. Signing Cobb was literally throwing good money after bad (Davis).
  11. Or, maybe ever. That would be worse than sad, or, maybe comical depending on how you look at things
  12. Not my choice. And Cobb should have never been signed by a team better suited for a rebuild. You won’t get any argument from me about the state of the organization.
  13. Mancini is not a credible option in LF and oh, btw, plays 1B. He should be developing at 1B not moved to the OF to satisfy some obligatory need of salary rationalization for players falling off a cliff. And you admit there is no possible trade market for Davis. Of course you’d have no problem with him being DFA, neither would anyone with a working knowledge of basic roster construction. The problem is, the Orioles cannot afford big mistakes in FA and they made a huge one. Angelos hasn’t historically given the ok for them to eat this much money. Ever. But good luck with that.
  14. Historically, that’s not in the cards. They don’t eat much more than $3.625 million.
  15. I think my scenario of suggesting an assignment to “work on things” (no, I don’t mean him working on being more aggressive in the strike zone) (of course, that worked well) is more likely. He needs to make adjustments with the position of his hands, his stance, anything that looks as if he’s actually making changes not paying lip service to that. If he refuses tell him he can ride the bench indefinitely. The embarrassment might convince him to try and earn his way back by doing whatever it takes. Then again, I’ve yet to be convinced that with most MLB players it’s not about ego. He certainly has a manager who’ll give him plenty of rope.
  16. He is blocking someone. Any replacement level player not making $160 mil. Or, the guy currently playing LF for the Orioles. Or, Trumbo. Or, Alvarez. Play the best nine/ten available for each game, regardless of salary. Sunk cost is a thing.
  17. Verlander is a stud. Probably too much to think the Orioles could have put together a package like the Astros did and he would have likely nixed the deal anyway.
  18. I guess you missed my post after the one you quoted here. Some supposition in what I agreed with in @Sessh‘s post, but still interesting. Is it naïveté on my part or hubris on your part that determines Ruth’s guilt (frame it as you will)? This strikes me as opinion more than fact which you’re entitled to have. However, I’ve researched it as well. Ruth may have cheated (corked bat) but PEDs weren’t even invented yet. Amphetamines? Maybe, but it’s far more likely he abused alcohol (not performance enhancing) in copious amounts. This is from an earlier article which i believe is still relevant. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/2013/12/30/5255996/mlb-baseball-drugs-peds-steroids-amphetamines-greenies-hall-fame I don’t idolize players past or present. My run-ins with a former great, pathological in his addiction, who I idolized as a kid proved that to me once and for all. Ruth, Mantle (don’t think he did and probably shortened his career by abusing alcohol) Mays or Aaron all may have cheated in one degree or another, but (and it’s certainly a mitigating factor) the change in body mass and improved stamina one can achieve with anabolic steroids iwithout question does improve performance. Do amphetamines change body mass in any way? Not to my knowledge, but I may be naive. Are there positive effects? Sure. I drink more coffee when I’m tired or slam down some Dr Peppers. I’m instantly energized, but sodas and coffee is hardly an elixir. Greenies may have given those who used them a temporary boost, but they weren’t slamming 60-70 HRs over several years because of them. Now, is there any difference between cheaters? Absolutely not. Gaylord Perry cheated. In the Hall. McGwire, Bonds, Clemens all cheated and the walls are gradually coming down. More than ever people and especially writers seem to be saying, “Ah, this has always gone on. Why should we keep them out now?” Well, Roy Oswalt didn’t cheat. And I thought he made a compelling argument. A day after Berkman told the Chronicle that he’d love it if all the dirty players are exposed Oswalt admitted that he was so proud of his teammates’ candor that he sent him a text message thanking him for speaking out for all the clean players. “I feel the same way,” Oswalt said via phone from Mississippi a day after Rodriguez admitted taking steroids. “I feel that going out there natural against these guys that are taking the drugs is not fair to me. They’re already All-Star players and they’re taking drugs. That’s not fair for me. They’re cheating.” https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.chron.com/sports/astros/amp/Astros-Oswalt-backs-Berkman-calls-out-steroids-1748090.php I guess the argument can be made that if the integrity clause is violated who determines the severity of the punishment. Or, how is it determined? That’s why the HOF is there. Maybe baseball shouldn’t moralize at all about anything. But then treat it like wrestling where you know it’s a con instead of a game with rules and yes, integrity. Maybe they’re all painted with a broad brush, I don’t know. I do know that if I had played I’d be pretty ticked off if I played it clean while other guys cheated.
  19. Good stuff, very informative. I’m still not convinced what Ruth tried was significant. Maybe he wasn’t smart enough to get the good stuff back then. Don’t know and don’t hold him up as some bastion of baseball honor. I don’t disagree whether general tenor of your post.
  20. I didn’t expect you to make an argument based on a single story from almost 100 years ago. C’est la vie.
  21. Was there a rule against it? How do you know his intent? Maybe he really thought it would help him go all night. Snutchy was right, this thread is comical.
  22. So, based on the Sheep’s Testicle Extract story Ruth was a PED abuser? Seems logical.
  23. Yeah, I’d heard he wasn’t always that personable, but I don’t know how you make the leap to what you’re claiming.
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