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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Exactly. So, it doesn’t necessarily hurt his value in any potential deal.
  2. If I’m trading for Mancini I want him at 1B or DH only.
  3. You mean walking a fine line between playing pro ball and being a working stiff?
  4. Well, yeah. Can you blame them?
  5. At one point before the Frazier HR he was down to 4.28.
  6. Didn’t see it and I can never get a read on you when I’m looking at you. ?
  7. Really? After the game?
  8. Also, option Rickard.
  9. Or, Nunez. Big HR today but he often looks lost up there. Smith Jr looks more like a DH everyday.
  10. Yeah, aside from the hanging curve to Frazier I thought he had pitched great until the 6th. He doesn’t sustain it.
  11. Yeah, I’ll stand by what I said concerning him not catching the ball, but after watching it again he did hit the wall kinda hard.
  12. Hit him in a bad place-the glove. Then, he hit the wall and stayed down a few moments like he was hurt. I think it was his pride. To be clear, he dropped the ball BEFORE he hit the wall.
  13. Ah, thank you grasshopper. I really don’t care if there isn’t anything for him to learn in AAA. He’s not a ML pitcher right now. They send him down and at a minimum maybe he faces less quality hitters and he gets some confidence back. Keeping him on the ML roster to get bludgeoned each time out serves no purpose.
  14. Well, I wouldn’t have to watch him pitch ML games for one thing.
  15. It has been ‘the Oriole thing to do’ in the past. This is a new regime, right? Are you implying the ghost of PA or the Angelos brothers are not fully invested and Elias doesn’t have control (still wondering about it a bit myself)? But what would be they’re reasoning for keeping Mancini? If he’s producing there’s no reason to keep him.
  16. Why? They’ll need Stewart when they trade Mancini at the break.
  17. Britton really discovered it by accident while trying to throw a cutter. His pitching coach, Calvin Maduro, saw the action he had with the grip he was using and told him to “keep it”. http://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/18932184/how-baltimore-orioles-zach-britton-became-new-mariano-rivera
  18. The guy who plays a defensive position and doesn’t run into outs on the bases.
  19. Pardon the derail. Hey, maybe they can move Hess to the pen, sign Keuchel and he can mentor Means. I’m sure a 100+ loss team is just the opportunity he’s looking for.
  20. Seems that way. As an aside, I thought Buck was the right guy when he was hired and positively changed the culture. He just outlived his usefulness to the team.
  21. I know I’ve posted it a while back when it happened, but I had the chance to meet Buck (2012) and asked him about Tillman. The story had been that Peterson simplified his delivery and that was the reason for his success. Buck was having none of it, and attributed the success to Adair, his pitching coach. Even though, prior to being called up Adair had not worked much with Tillman. It seems to me, the TTTP talk was handed down from Buck so I’m not sure it would have mattered who was PC. Then, forcing guys into a one-size-fits-all delivery the organization pushed, which Britton mentioned in regards to Arrieta (don’t remember if he used his name, but pretty clear who it was) and Buck’s fierce loyalty to staff and vets didn’t help. I also wondered about the conditions under which Connor left.
  22. Pretty sure the poster I quoted wasn’t talking about Connor. He wasn’t with the team long enough to screw up the rotation.
  23. Seems like his command was the thing he battled most. Four BB in 4IP kinda sucks. Seven base runners and two HRs allowed. Ninety-two pitches. In four innings.
  24. Rick Adair, ugh. And he’s worked so much since leaving the Orioles.
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