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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Nope. I’ve mentioned it many times, but that ship has sailed if he’s playing 1B. At least, I’d call it unlikely.
  2. Who the heck is Louis Linwood III?
  3. Struck out the side twice and induced three DP GBs.
  4. I meant his return to the minors. Ankiel might be instructive if he wasn’t a pitcher before he went back. Hey! Maybe Davis can go from a position player to pitching. I’m sure that’s a future Davis thread.
  5. So, you’re saying there’s s chance?
  6. Things change. Retirement isn’t always foreseeable.
  7. Nice. The contract is the only reason he’s playing at all. He certainly doesn’t add much. Mancini is passable enough defensively at 1B. I’m sure I’ll hear again how Davis played GG defense. One season. Years ago. I remember him dropping balls when he first got there.
  8. Hmm, I had the complete opposite reaction. Because he was ahead in the count and got a pitch to drive, it was disappointing to see him weakly roll over on it. But hey, contact....
  9. It’s the “try to humiliate Davis into retirement” strategy. Worth a shot....
  10. Hadn’t read the most of the thread, but this makes sense.
  11. I’d obviously love it if he was released before the season, but considering what the state of the team it’s not realistic. If the team is horrible what difference does it make if a horrible version of Davis is the only possible outcome and he remains on the team? Surely, even the younger players will understand it’s a financial decision. I hate that but Elias and co. have inherited him. It’s understandable with the current state of the team. Therefore, it’s conceivable he could still be there going into 2020 for the same reasons. I voted after the AS break before the season ends because Elias probably wants to make a statement about the team that develops without a burdensome contract in the way. Maybe it doesn’t happen, but if he really has free reign, without interference from ownership, that would convince me. Until it does I’m not sure anyone can ever be convinced things have changed under the brothers’ leadership. Whatever he’s owed, or whether a buyout can be achieved is all conjecture until then. And $90+ mil is a whole lotta money to walk away from without letting him become the bust I suspect most of us here already think he is. And probably Hyde and Elias, too.
  12. Bundy doesn’t do impressions. Uh oh....? A more reasonable comparison would be to a guy who was out of baseball by the time he was 28. And for some stupid reason I picked over. Or, maybe I was just trying to skew the results. Since you know, wins. Where’s OF#5 when I need a good debate about that?
  13. Someone should neg rep you for the admission. ?
  14. Yup, agreed. However, I think it’s a few months at least (if not longer) before they cut bait.
  15. Bad hitter party? If you threw a party to celebrate Davis -in any way- would anyone attend? I think I’d throw a party if the Orioles do cut him before OD. Then, I’d be assured the new regime has free reign.??? ?
  16. Psychologist. A psychiatrist prescribes meds. Hey, wait a minute.... ?
  17. Well, it’s not just bat speed. He looks lost up there or confused. I’d love it if they cut him tomorrow too, but with no expectations for the team this year they’re not punting on the rest of his contract without trying some fixes first.
  18. What about a psychologist? The eyes does seem a little too obvious, but the mental aspect shouldn’t be overlooked. While I’m sure they can’t mandate anything, you’d think Davis would want to try anything.
  19. Quantum mechanics might be a bit beyond Davis. Although, if he’s alive you’d expect some bounce even if it’s still below average.
  20. Thought this was pretty funny from FG.... The Quick Opinion: There are dead cats and then there cats so thoroughly corpsefied and gross that their very bones have been reduced to a fine powder. Davis may bounce in 2019. Or his bone dust might drift away in the first spring breeze.
  21. I put the odds at very long he gets to anywhere near 100 BB. He’s trending down and never reached that mark. Counting stats aside, he isn’t very valuable. Of course, I’d love for him to OPS .750 and play above average defense again. I’m just not expecting it.
  22. He could be a bounce back candidate, but the bar is so low it might not matter. Over/under on HRs is about 24.5. Considering the rest of his game, does that make anyone feel good?
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