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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Well, this is what I had referred to in the GT. He pulled him in the game WC noted, and then again last night. The guy was starting games in Norfolk, why not have him go another inning, especially when he’s cruising along getting outs? I’d also rather see him than Hess in the rotation.
  2. Really? I especially didn’t like him. Not only for what @MongoBoy noted, but more so for the undeserved GG awards he kept winning. I did like Thurman Munson, though.
  3. Right, but I’m pretty sure his HRs allowed goes WAY down.
  4. With how prone to injury he is, the last thing I want Cobb doing is kicking dogs.
  5. Il BuonO

    2019 Boston Red Sox

    I had similar thoughts about him, he just doesn’t look the same. I had always thought the source of the injury was the Machado late slide into 2B, but the article from the link below lays it out from a game vs Toronto late in 2016. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston.com/sports/boston-red-sox/2018/06/07/dustin-pedroia-injury-red-sox-future/amp
  6. Like his bat, but I hope someone’s working with him on running the bases.
  7. Looks athletic to me.
  8. Hey!!! No HRs allowed by Bundy today! It's the little things.
  9. I’m sure Brady appreciates your description of him as a ‘lackey’ in his defense. ?
  10. Yeah, he’s goofy looking. Liked his stuff tonight, though.
  11. Props to @Obando for giving the kid his own thread. That CH is filthy.
  12. I’d say more than decent. Heckuva lot of armside run. Like the guy said, ‘disgusting’.
  13. Arrieta, 8IP 6H 1R 2 BB 3SO, 12 GO.
  14. Yeah, based on that, you wouldn’t think so. Mullins has a little more time, but I won’t hold my breath. At least he’s looked better on defense.
  15. Too bad his spring wasn’t better, but he has a much better plate approach than does Mullins. They can easily slide Rickard over to CF, but then he’s in the lineup all the time. I’d like to see both Rickard and Mullins optioned, but I heard Smith doesn’t play CF. Ideally, DJ is better suited for LF.
  16. Strange, I only stand when watching him pitch. Too uncomfortable to sit down.
  17. That sick feeling of dread?
  18. Il BuonO

    Adam Hall 2019

    They blew it getting rid of Jackson. If they were initially keeping them both I would have liked to see an in-season competition to see if either was worth keeping. For some reason Mike Wright is. Martin looks completely lost at the plate. Hall doesn’t have a high bar to top that.
  19. Il BuonO

    Adam Hall 2019

    And for Pete’s sake tell these young to stop sliding head first. Does Hall slide head first?
  20. I’d feel a lot better if Sarah was asking me questions, too.
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