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Il BuonO

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Everything posted by Il BuonO

  1. Davis should be locked down to preserve his. Oops, too late.
  2. Pretty sure he’s on record as saying he should be gone by early summer if he doesn’t produce.
  3. If Davis has any courage he’d let Palmer interview him and own up to not training as he made it seem last year. When people stop interviewing him, he’ll know it’s over.
  4. So, Chris Davis walks into a bar with a priest and a parrot....
  5. Surprised. If he was even average at framing those numbers would look better.
  6. Changing from the DL to the IL should speed up pace of play
  7. What team’s coaches are actively trying to lose in baseball? What you’re talking about is changes at the organizational level and I’m against any change that limits a team’s self-determination.
  8. A Rule 5 guy at SS fits their immediate goals of the rebuild. People mocking the Marlins is misplaced. Jeter’s stated goal was to shed salary. He’s done that. I remember the Astros came out and told their fan base their intentions. The Orioles are on the right path regardless of the hand wringing by some.
  9. If you talked to any of the players or management for that matter, you’d be hard pressed to find a single voice claiming failure is their immediate goal.
  10. I don’t agree with FV 40 hit tool. He’s got a body to grow into and barrels a lot of balls with high exit velocity.
  11. Not sure if y’all are serious but he has it all. Mayo: Had Witt been in the 2018 class, many thought he would be at or near the top of the first round. He'll get his chance a year from now. The Texas high schooler has five-tool potential with the ability to stay at shortstop long-term. One evaluator put at least a 60 (on the 20-to-80 scale) on all of his tools.
  12. Emblematic of who Nick is. He has perspective.
  13. Dodgers to sign Pollock, four years $55 million.
  14. This is likely the remaining seed of doubt for most people here. Elias is likely only as good as the control he really has over all baseball decisions, including onerous contracts. That starts with Davis. If Elias makes a decision (after two to three months) to cut bait on Davis, then I’ll be convinced he has total control.
  15. I can scarcely remember you becoming so passionate about any other subjects. And I agree wholeheartedly.
  16. I know. Again, don’t think it’s a viable option.
  17. There’s only been a couple instances when the Orioles decided to give a player their release. Doubt that’s an option. But I’m dubious there’s a reunion with Markakis.
  18. Very nice kid, very polite. That AB in which he stroked the double was impressive.
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