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Everything posted by FlaO'sFan

  1. Oh man, just checked ESPN to see what time the game was tonight and saw it is almost finished...lol. Way to go Ryan!
  2. Just checked the standings on ESPN and saw we were +11 in the run differential column. It's been awhile since we were on the plus side I would imagine (not counting the first few games of a season, of course). Anyway, it felt good to see. Apologies if it has been mentioned, especially when we passed zero going in the good direction.
  3. Working late, streaming the game, and my co-worker also working late said I scared the **** out of him when I shouted after Adley's back to back shot...lol. New Game!!
  4. Even Earl would be awed by Mateo's speed. I think.
  5. Driving up for tomorrow's game. Had stuff to do today.
  6. I Love when hitters hit it to the open side of the shift.
  7. Today. If he can't settle down today then yes get him out quick and give him another chance and chances another time.
  8. No problem giving him a chance, but lets not just give a game away doing it. I hope there is a very short hook here.
  9. Here in Ft. Myers, Fl., I have several friends who are Rays fans and also many who are Red Sox fans as we are their Spring Training home (along with the Twins), and all of them now worry about playing us and do not consider us an easy series win or sweep as they have for the last several years. It really feels good to get some respect again from some of these obnoxious baseball friends of mine...lol.
  10. I have thought the same thing, Manny would have had to stay much slimmer than he is now if he wanted to stay at SS. Him having to play 3rd early in his career was a blessing in disguise for him imo.
  11. I know everyone has seen it but it always makes me laugh...
  12. Not sure if we are the best or not, but there is just something special about the O's for those that grew up a fan during the Brooks, Frank, Earl, etc. years, as I did. I moved away from Bel Air in 1978 to Florida, but to this day I am an O's fan through and through, always will be, and if reincarnation is a thing, I hope I don't come back as anything other than an O's fan again. A little better looking for the ladies next time would be nice, though . A memory I still have of the O's, among many, is slipping off by myself from a family reunion in Baltimore someplace with my transistor radio and listening as the O's came back from something like an 8-1 deficit in the eighth or ninth inning to win. Just a regular game in the middle of the summer, not sure when, probably 74-77 sometime, but I still remember the joy of being youthful and the world revolving around the baseball team you loved.
  13. Well, not to brag, but I was a hot-shot SS in the Churchville Little League system many moons ago.
  14. I was a student at Georgia Tech when Auburn came to town in 1985. Bo warmed up right in front of me, not 15 feet away from my seats in the 2nd row of the student section. I was in awe, seriously. Best athlete I have ever seen in person in my life. I also saw him crush a ball out of the GT baseball stadium that left the entire stands in stunned silence.
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