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Everything posted by Explosivo

  1. Be pessimistic all you’d like but I do think his defense picks up. We have seen it before with other players. Further, we have other options as well. Second base is easier to fill than short or third. All signs point to Henderson and Westburg being that tandem. They are already building report, best friends off the field and just last night went back to back. It’s very cool to see this all progress and be excited for the future if you allow yourself to see it.
  2. The bat is there however. Of the two, which do you think is easier to coach, hitting or fielding?
  3. Have you been paying attention to Henderson, Westburg and Jones? That’s your future at third, short and second. All are performing above expectation. All will be on the team at the same time. Jones first of course.
  4. Again, we have all the answers to the holes in our mlb club. Iron sharpens iron. Follow the boys at the Verge to get a taste of milb coverage. The Orioles are going to be special in two years and will remain special for the next five years after. This is going to be one of the best windows of opportunity we have ever had. The pitching is there waiting for their call ups. The infield answers are there waiting for their call ups. The catcher is there waiting for his call up. We are going to look back at this decade as one of Orioles dominance. You’ve just got to look at the talent we have coming up and really look at the top tier talent we already have on the team.
  5. I’m also thinking that we are going to get more impact players than we had with the magic of 2012 and 2014. Outside of Manny, we had some awesome pieces but most came from trades. We are going to get huge impact players like Rodriguez, Hall, Henderson, Jones, Rutschman, Westburg, Smith and Baumann. We’ve got so much waiting in the wings to add to a core set of good players. The outfield looks good already, the infield needs a third baseman, shortstop, and depth (enter Henderson, Jones, and Westburg), the pitching staff needs better starters (enter Grayson, Hall, Smith and Baumann) and we need a catcher (enter Rutschman). We have answers for each of the current holes and they will be playing in the majors in 2 years time. We are fine. Enjoy the ride!
  6. Bring em back. They look slick!
  7. Whistler be like “hey mom you can hear me on tv!!”
  8. Might be the most annoying thing I’ve heard in sports since the vuvuzela.
  9. Think rookie of the year. The kid will come back with a cannon pitching so fast we’ll start calling him Rollengartner. Or is that Roto Rooter? Runamucker?
  10. And we have traded to get plenty of great arms. You’re not seeing the whole picture. Lacy would have been a good pick in retrospect but Baumler may be better and with less wear and tear. Time will tell kid.
  11. Glad to see people turning around. This draft class is talented but is unlike that last two years’ draft classes. There aren’t undeniable players. There are however good scattered players throughout. Us being number 5 overall couldn’t have happened at a better time. Perhaps next year’s draft will have a top two that are unmistakable.
  12. That’s terrible news. I feel so badly for the kid and will pray the inflammation goes away.
  13. I think that shows what we already signaled last year. Santander is gone if the offer is good enough. Mullins and Hays are your future in the outfield and if we can upgrade left field we will have a potent group. Stewart is solid and his bat plays in Camden but I think we will trade Santander for sure.
  14. Well, scouts now seem to always be about projection. Watson is tough to project. You have a good point about teams going under slot. That just solidifies that there isn’t a top group of talent but rather a deeper group of talent, none of which have much clear separation. This draft may further show that whomever has the best scouts will get the best results.
  15. Exactly. You get it and it’s surprising to me that it’s not being picked up on considering we did the same thing last year to great results. Getting Baumler and Mayo was amazing considering most didn’t think they would sign. We effectively money whipped them and primed ourselves to be in a position to do so.
  16. It actually did. Look at the guys we got in the 4th and 5th rounds. Those guys were thought to not be able to be signed but we were able to overpay for their talents on the back of the Heston pick. It’s not our fault that Heston developed myocarditis from well, I won’t go there, but you get what I’m saying.
  17. Look at the guys we have coming up and all we have traded for. We’ve got way more talent than people realize. We’ve got 5 or so guys already waiting in the wings with Baumann, Rodriguez, and Hall being at the top of the list though I’d throw Smith and Braddish in there as well. Now if Leiter were still available, that’s another story but I wasn’t that impressed with Rocker.
  18. There wasn’t a consensus #1 in this draft. We cut a deal with a guy who’s a top college bat so we can do more damage in later rounds. I like the pick. It also shows me that Elias feels our window is closer than most want to believe. Getting a high schooler takes much longer to develop. This guy will be ready sooner. Let’s go O’s!
  19. Hey, he pitched a gem in Houston and we got the win….eventually.
  20. Because he has a random bout of myocarditis. Crazy I know. Must be totally strange. Completely random.
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